What is Snapcrafters?
The “Snapcrafters” are a group of community contributors working to get snaps published by upstream projects, with install instructions on the project homepage and the snapcraft.yaml
in the project code repository. Snapcrafters collaborate via GitHub.
Why Snapcrafters?
Some projects are keen to have a snap of their software in the store but don’t currently have enough time to work on it. In some cases long standing projects are used to the community packaging their software.
The snap advocacy team have also been getting questions from community members asking the best way they can help get software snapped. The Snapcrafters team exists to help upstream projects and provide a way for community contributors to get involved.
Snapcrafters can help bootstrap snaps for projects requesting patches or get projects who haven’t heard of snapcraft excited about it. Publishing snaps in the store can help promote projects and ensure the newest versions are always available for all Linux users.
In addition we get to exercise some of the infrastructure behind snaps. Each snap repository in the Snapcrafters GitHub is connected to the Snapcraft.io build service meaning new commits to the snaps will automatically land in the edge channel of the store. Snapcrafters can work collaboratively and land every commit as a new snap revision.
The snaps in the Snapcrafters GitHub also serve as reference.
How do I join Snapcrafters?
Fork the Snapcrafters template repository to your own GitHub account and complete the tick boxes in README.md. When you’ve got a snap you’d like adding the Snapcrafters just post a request in this forum and tag @evan @popey and @Wimpress (the Snap Advocacy team) and we’ll assist.
If you have any questions, post in this forum.