The snap format

:information_source: This page documents the format of the built snaps. See The snapcraft format for more information about the snapcraft.yaml file used to build these snaps.

A snap is a SquashFS file carrying content alongside metadata to tell the system how it should be manipulated. When installed, the SquashFS file for the snap is mounted read-only at the following location:

/snap/<snap name>/<revision>/

This method delivers fast and extremely predictable installations, with no installation remnants, and no way for a snap’s content to be mutated or interfered with. A snap is either installed and available as originally built, or it is not available at all.

Applications declared in the snap become commands at:

/snap/bin/<snap name>[.<app name>]

The suffix is omitted if <app name> matches <snap name>.

That snap command file is not the actual application, but rather a link to the real application under the isolation and confinement rules of the snap’s default restricted environment, plus any allowances granted to it via the interface system.

Setup files

The following files control the behaviour of a snap:

  • meta/snap.yaml: Basic snap details (see below)
  • meta/hooks/: Hooks called on specific events (see below)
  • meta/gui/icon.{svg,png}: Icon for the snap
  • meta/gui/*.desktop: Desktop files for the snap (see below)


Every snap package contains a meta/snap.yaml file that holds the basic metadata for the snap.

Please take note of this important distinction:

  • snap.yaml lives inside every snap package, read by snapd
  • snapcraft.yaml contains instructions to create a snap package, read by the snapcraft command used to build snaps

Most of the metadata supported by snap.yaml is optional. In fact, the simplest snap.yaml could contain as little as the following:

name: simplest
version: 1.0

An example snap.yaml that offers an application to run is still very simple:

name: simple
version: 1.0
        command: bin/hello --world

The following is the complete specification for the metadata in snap.yaml:

# The suggested snap name, constrained to the [a-z0-9] charset and inner
# dashes. The final name when the snap is installed is defined by the
# snap-declaration assertion associated with the snap, if any.
name: <name>

# An optional title for the snap, may contain uppercase letters and spaces.
title: <title>

# Version of the software packed inside the snap. Has no semantic value
# in the system (no greater/lower-than rules are ever applied to it).
version: <version>

# More details about what is contained in the snap.
summary: <line>
description: <text>

# License for the snap content, based on SPDX license expressions.
license: <expression>

# Type of snap, defaults to "app". The `core` type has been deprecated.
type: app | gadget | kernel | base

# List of architectures the snap may run on. Defaults to [all].
    - all | amd64 | i386 | armhf | ...

# The base snap that defines the underlying filesystem this snap
# will be assembled on top of.
base: <name>

# A list of features that must be supported by the core for 
# the snap to install. For example, the following sets a requirement for
# snapd2.38 or later:
# assumes:
# - snapd2.38
    - <feature>

# The epoch this release is intended for. For further details, see:
# (snapd 2.38+)
epoch: <value>

# Additional usernames the snap may use. Currently, the only supported
# values for <name> is '_daemon_' (snapd 2.61+), and the now deprecated
# 'snap-daemon'. For further details, see:

  <name>: shared

# Alternative form:
# system-usernames:
#   <name>:
#     scope: shared

# List of applications (commands, binaries, daemons) in the snap. 

  <app name>:

      # Path to executable (relative to snap base) and arguments to use
      # when this application is run.
      command: <command line>

      # A list of commands to be executed, in order, prior to the `command:` executable
      # or from within a hook (see below). 
      command-chain: <list of commands>

      # An identifier to a desktop-id within an external appstream file.
      # See
      common-id: <desktop file id>

      # Path to a bash snippet to use for tab completion.
      # (snapcraft 2.33+, snapd 2.30+)
      # See
      completer: <path to file>

      # List of plug names the application is associated with.
      # When a plug is connected to one of these slots, the application
      # will be granted the permissions specified for that interface.
      # If attributes are required, or the plug name does not match the
      # interface name, more details must be declared under the top-level
      # "plugs" field (see below).
          - <plug name>

      # List of slot names this application is associated with.
      # Same details as described above, but for slots.
          - <slot name>

      # If daemon is set, the command is a daemon to run as specified.
      # See systemd documentation for further details.
      daemon: simple | forking | oneshot | notify

      # Defines whether a freshly installed daemon is started automatically (enabled), 
      # or whether startup is deferred to the snap (disabled). Defaults to enable.
      install-mode: enable | disable
      # Controls whether the daemon should be restarted during a snap refresh. Defaults to 'restart'.
      refresh-mode:  endure | restart

      # Maps a daemon’s sockets to services and activates them.
          - <socket name>

      # The mode of a socket in octal, such as `0644`.
     socket-mode: <mode>
      # Controls how the daemon should be stopped.  The given signal is sent to the main PID 
      # (when used without -all) or to all PIDs in the process group when the -all suffix is used.
      stop-mode:  sigterm | sigterm-all | sighup | sighup-all | sigusr1 | sigusr1-all | sigusr2 | sigusr2-all

      # Optional command to stop a daemon.
      stop-command: <command line>

      # Optional time to wait for daemon to start.
      start-timeout: <n>ns | <n>us | <n>ms | <n>s | <n>m

      # Optional time to wait for daemon to stop.
      stop-timeout: <n>ns | <n>us | <n>ms | <n>s | <n>m

      # Optional command to run after daemon stops.
      post-stop-command: <command line>

      # Condition to restart the daemon under. Defaults to on-failure.
      # See the systemd.service manual on Restart for details.
      restart-condition: \
          on-failure | on-success | on-abnormal | on-abort | always | never

      # Delay between service restarts. Defaults to unset. 
      # See the systemd.service manual on RestartSec for details.
      # (snapd 2.36+)
      restart-delay: <n>ns | <n>us | <n>ms | <n>s | <n>m

      # Service watchdog timeout. For watchdog to work, the application
      # requires access to systemd notification socket, which can be 
      # declared by listing a daemon-notify plug in the plugs section.
      # Note, the interface is not auto connected  and needs to be
      # connected manually.
      # (snapd 2.33+)
      watchdog-timeout: <n>ns | <n>us | <n>ms | <n>s | <n>m

      # Command to use to ask the service to reload its configuration.
      # In the absence of this, when asked to reload  (e.g. via
      # `snap restart --reload`) the service is restarted instead.
      reload-command: <command line>

      # List of applications that are ordered to be started before
      # the current one. Applications must be part of the same snap.
      # (snapd 2.31+)
          - <other app name>

      # List of applications that are ordered to be started after
      # the current one. Applications must be part of the same snap.
      # (snapd 2.31+)
          - <other app name>

      # The service is activated by a timer, app must be a daemon. See timer
      # documentation for examples.
      # (snapd 2.33+)
      timer: <timer string>

      # Name of the desktop file placed by the application in 
      # $SNAP_USER_DATA/.config/autostart to indicate that application 
      # should be started with the user's desktop session. The application
      # is started using the app's command wrapper (<name>.<app>) plus
      # any arguments  present in the Exec=.. line inside the autostart
      # desktop file.
      # (snapd 2.32.4+)
      autostart: <command line>


Hooks provide a mechanism for snapd to alert snaps that something has happened, or to ask the snap to provide its opinion about an operation that is in progress. See the topic on supported hooks for more details.


Interfaces allow snaps to communicate or share resources according to the protocol established by the interface. They play an important part in security policy configuration.

See Supported interfaces for more details.


Layouts enable snap developers to modify the execution environment of their snap. They simplify the process of using pre-compiled binaries and libraries that expect to find files and directories outside of locations referenced by $SNAP or $SNAP_DATA.

For more details, see Snap layouts.

Desktop files

The meta/gui/ directory (snap/gui/ with snapcraft) may contain *.desktop files for the snap. These desktop files may contain valid desktop entries from the XDG Desktop Entry Specification version 1.1 with some exceptions listed below. Lines with unknown keys are silently removed from the desktop file on install.

The Exec= line must use the following syntax:

Exec=<snap name>[.<app name>] [<argument> ...]

As in the executables contained under /snap/bin, the .<app name> suffix is omitted if the application name and snap name are the same.

For example, assuming this content in snap.yaml:

name: http
version: 1.0
        command: bin/my-downloader

… the following desktop file would be valid:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=My Downloader
Exec=http.get %U

Autostart desktop files

An application may put a desktop file under $SNAP_USER_DATA/.config/autostart in order to be automatically started with the user’s desktop session. The file is matched with a corresponding application based on the autostart property of an app inside meta/snap.yaml. For example:

name: my-chat
version: 1.0
        command: bin/my-chat
        autostart: my-chat.desktop

Assuming my-chat has written a file $SNAP_USER_DATA/.config/autostart/my-chat.desktop with the following contents:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=My Chat
Exec=/usr/bin/my-chat --autostart a b c

The Exec= line is used to obtain any command line parameters, and the application will be started as: --autostart a b c 

Unsupported desktop keys

The DBusActivatable, TryExec and Implements keys are currently not supported and will be silently removed from the desktop file on install.


Content moved out of the wiki.

The link disagrees directly with that statement - where is one meant to look now?

Right here. The statement says the content was taken from the wiki and moved here.

‘title’ should be added to the “more details” section, i.e.

# More details about what is contained in the snap.
title: <line>
summary: <line>
description: <text>

‘license’ is a new field (see Snap license metadata)


# Software license snap is provided under
license: <SPDX expression>

Should this section make some brief mention of aliases?


Trying to add it and using:

$ snapcraft --version
snapcraft, version 2.43.1

gives me:

$ snapcraft
Issues while validating snapcraft.yaml: Additional properties are not allowed ('license' was unexpected)

Are the official docs not supposed to be for the tool you get with:

$ snap install snapcraft

Should the docs at least mention “this key was added in snapcraft X.Y.Z” so that we can know why/when/if it isn’t available?

I do see that snapcraft candidate seems way newer than snapcraft stable:

  stable:    2.43.1             (1871) 29MB classic <
  candidate: 3.0                (2251) 28MB classic

(400 revisions seems like a lot).
And the message
License is a new field is from July 2017… how old is snapcraft stable?

Now that we’ve got icon theme support in snapd master, there are a few new features that I’ll stage here before updating the main post:

Icon Themes

The meta/gui/icons directory may contain icons that will be made available to the host system. The contents of this directory follow the layout described in the Icon Theme Specification with a few additional restrictions:

  • There should be no index.theme files: icons provided through this mechanism are intended to augment existing icon themes on the system.
  • The snap can only provide icons whose name matches snap.<snap name>.*. That is, a snap named simple can install icons,, etc.
  • Icons must be provided in PNG or SVG format.

Typically a snap will use this mechanism to add an application icon to the fallback hicolor theme (possibly in multiple sizes). It may also offer versions of that application icon adapted to match the style of other icon themes.

Desktop Files

The Icon= line can either reference an image file by path or use an icon name. Using the path syntax, the line should look like:


The path must not include unnecessary path components (e.g. /./, /../, etc), and should refer to a file distributed as part of the snap. The ${SNAP} portion will be expanded when the snap is installed.

Alternatively, the icon can be specified by name:


This can be used to reference a named icon provided via meta/gui/icons.

This is wrong, it should be

refresh-mode: endure | restart
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I’ve just updated this, thank you!

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Shouldn’t this say sighup and not sighub?

Good spot - it’s updated now, thanks for letting us know.

Please document this caveat in bold: Symlinks to snaps don’t work:

/usr/bin/here_is_a_symlink -> $SNAP/bin/mysnap

In this case the symlink will run /usr/bin/snap instead of $SNAP/bin/mysnap.


This spec is missing the grade key, which I think is relevant in built snaps?

@degville please update documentation with install-mode for daemons.
I cannot find any documentation for the feature.
thank you

Sorry for the delay in this, and thanks for flagging its omission. I’ve now updated the reference with install-mode.

Should the “daemon:” type not include “dbus”?