The REST API provides access to snapd’s state and many of its key functions, as listed below.

For general information on how to use the API, including how to access it, its requests and responses, results fields and error types, see Using the REST API.

As snapd development progresses, changes that are deemed backwards-compatible, such as adding methods or verbs, will not change an endpoint. Conversely, significant updates may necessitate a new endpoint being created.

The snapd REST API includes the following components:

aliases: get and modify app aliases apps: list and modify apps and their attributes
assertions: list and add assertion types changes: return the state and abort changes
cohorts: create and retrieve new cohort key configuration: get and set snap options
connections: list all interface connections find: find snaps in the store
icons: retrieve the icon for an installed snap interfaces: list interfaces and their metadata
login: log user into the store logout: logout user from the store
logs: retrieve log contents model: retrieve and modify model and serial assertions
notices: retrieve recorded notices quotas: list and manage quota groups
sections: request store sections snapctl: run the snapctl command
snaps: list and manage installed snaps snapshots: manipulate, import and export snapshots
systems: list and activate recovery systems system-info: return host configuration
system-recovery-keys: view and reset encryption keys validation-sets: list and manage validation-sets
warnings: returns snapd warnings users: create, remove and query accounts


Reserved for human-readable content describing the service.

GET /v2/aliases

  • Description: get the available app aliases
  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: dict containing the aliases for each snap



            "command": "",
            "status": "auto",
            "auto": "app"
            "command": "foo",
            "status": "manual",
            "manual": "app1"
            "manual": "app2"

The result dict is keyed by snap names. Each snap entry is a dict of aliases keyed by alias name:

   "lxd": {
      "lxc": {
        "command": "lxd.lxc",
        "status": "auto",
        "auto": "lxc"

Alias Fields

  • command: the full command this alias runs
  • status: alias status, one of auto, manual or disabled
  • auto: the app the alias is for as assigned by an assertion (optional)
  • manual: the app the alias is for if status is manual (optional). Overrides auto

POST /v2/aliases

  • Description: modify aliases
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: async
  • Return: background operation or standard error



    "action": "alias",
    "snap": "moon-buggy",
    "alias": "foo"


  • action: either alias, unalias or prefer
  • snap: snap name to modify (optional for unalias)
  • app: app to modify (optional)
  • alias: alias to modify

GET /v2/apps

  • Description: list available apps
  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: list of apps available



Limit which apps are returned. One of:

  • service: return only services


Comma separated list of snaps to get apps for.



        "snap": "spotify",
        "name": "spotify",
        "desktop-file": "/path/to/file.desktop",
      "snap": "lxd",
      "name": "daemon",
      "daemon": "simple",
      "enabled": true,
      "activators": [
          "Name": "unix",
          "Type": "socket",
          "Active": true,
          "Enabled": true


  • snap: the snap providing the app (optional)
  • name: the name of the app
  • desktop-file: the desktop file for the app (optional)
  • daemon: the daemon type, if a service (optional)
  • enabled: true if an enabled service (optional)
  • active: true if an active service (optional)
  • common-id: common ID associated with this app (optional)

POST /v2/apps

  • Description: modify attributes of applications
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: async
  • Return: background operation or standard error



    "action": "stop",
    "names": ["lxd"]


  • names: a list of names of snaps (e.g. multipass, meaning “all apps in this snap”) or apps (e.g. multipass.multipassd) to operate on. Cannot be empty
  • action: the action to perform. Must be one of stop, start, or restart. As these actions only work for services, the names given must resolve to at least one service
  • enable: a boolean (optional, defaults to false), when action is start, arranges to have the service start at system start
  • disable: a boolean (optional, defaults to false), when action is stop, arranges to no longer start the service at system start
  • reload: a boolean (optional, defaults to false), when action is restart, try to reload the service instead of restarting, if it supports it – otherwise, restart

GET /v2/assertions

  • Description: get the list of assertion types
  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: list of assertion types



    "types": [

GET /v2/assertions[/{assertionType}]

  • Description: get all the assertions in the system assertion database of the given type
  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: stream of assertions

The response is a stream of assertions separated by double newlines. The X-Ubuntu-Assertions-Count header is set to the number of returned assertions, 0 or more.

Assertions can be filtered on header values using parameters, e.g. GET /v2/assertions/account?username=canonical will return all account assertions where type=account and username=canonical.


type: account
authority-id: canonical
account-id: canonical
display-name: canonical
timestamp: 2016-04-01T00:00:00.0Z
username: canonical
validation: certified
sign-key-sha3-384: <key>


Note, to determine the boundary between assertions, the headers need to be decoded to check if each assertion contains a body.

Retrieve a snap-declaration assertion

An assertion type of snap-declaration can also be used to retrieve a remote snap-declaration assertion for a given snap-id. This can also be accomplished from within the snap environment:

$SNAP/usr/bin/curl -sS -X GET --unix-socket /run/snapd.socket "http://localhost/v2/assertions/snap-declaration?series=16&remote=true&snap-id=OHILDGdP7v0yZmkQnvGyXnGD5t2mZZ1g"

The above command generates output similar to the following:

type: snap-declaration
authority-id: canonical
revision: 4
series: 16
snap-id: oHILDGdP7v0yZmkQnvGyXnGD5t2mZZ1g
publisher-id: oXBKQ6XsXgTcTNVFH6NlFsTz7Epn2kvJ
snap-name: learnit
timestamp: 2016-09-05T18:41:31.767674Z
sign-key-sha3-384: bWDEoaqyr25nF5SNCvEv2v7QnM9QsfCc0PBMYD_i2NGSQ32EF2d4D0hqUel3m8ul


POST /v2/assertions

  • Description: tries to add an assertion to the system assertion database
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: 200 OK or an error

The body of the request provides the assertion to add. The assertion may also be a newer revision of a pre-existing assertion that it will replace.

To succeed the assertion must be valid, its signature verified with a known public key and the assertion consistent with and its prerequisite in the database.


POST /v2/assertions HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x.ubuntu.assertion

type: <type>
sign-key-sha3-384: <key>


GET /v2/changes

  • Description: get all the changes in progress
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: current changes or standard error

Returns an array containing all the changes that have occurred. Changes are returned in the same form as GET /v2/change/[id].



Limit which changes are returned. One of:

  • all: all changes returned
  • in-progress: only changes that are in progress are returned (default)
  • ready: only changes that are ready


Optional snap name to limit results to.

GET /v2/changes[/{id}]

  • Description: get the current status of a change
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: current status of change or standard error


Example auto-refresh change API output
  "type": "sync",
  "status-code": 200,
  "status": "OK",
  "result": {
    "id": "4",
    "kind": "auto-refresh",
    "summary": "Auto-refresh snap \"gnome-42-2204\"",
    "status": "Done",
    "tasks": [
        "id": "243",
        "kind": "prerequisites",
        "summary": "Ensure prerequisites for \"gnome-42-2204\" are available",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505604296Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.547274976Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "244",
        "kind": "download-snap",
        "summary": "Download snap \"gnome-42-2204\" (172) from channel \"latest/stable/ubuntu-24.04\"",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "gnome-42-2204 (delta)",
          "done": 100883026,
          "total": 100883026
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505730156Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:17.079665072Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "245",
        "kind": "validate-snap",
        "summary": "Fetch and check assertions for snap \"gnome-42-2204\" (172)",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505753989Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:19.046188464Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "246",
        "kind": "mount-snap",
        "summary": "Mount snap \"gnome-42-2204\" (172)",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505756356Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:19.843614772Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "247",
        "kind": "run-hook",
        "summary": "Run pre-refresh hook of \"gnome-42-2204\" snap if present",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505758703Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:19.90621369Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "248",
        "kind": "stop-snap-services",
        "summary": "Stop snap \"gnome-42-2204\" services",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505774942Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:19.934043099Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "249",
        "kind": "remove-aliases",
        "summary": "Remove aliases for snap \"gnome-42-2204\"",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505777722Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:19.973674463Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "250",
        "kind": "unlink-current-snap",
        "summary": "Make current revision for snap \"gnome-42-2204\" unavailable",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505779025Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:20.041785353Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "251",
        "kind": "copy-snap-data",
        "summary": "Copy snap \"gnome-42-2204\" data",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505907022Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:20.582550884Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "252",
        "kind": "setup-profiles",
        "summary": "Setup snap \"gnome-42-2204\" (172) security profiles",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505909562Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:23.314143988Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "253",
        "kind": "link-snap",
        "summary": "Make snap \"gnome-42-2204\" (172) available to the system",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505910917Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:23.48147518Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "254",
        "kind": "auto-connect",
        "summary": "Automatically connect eligible plugs and slots of snap \"gnome-42-2204\"",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505912243Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:23.499894041Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "255",
        "kind": "set-auto-aliases",
        "summary": "Set automatic aliases for snap \"gnome-42-2204\"",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505913865Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:23.529536457Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "256",
        "kind": "setup-aliases",
        "summary": "Setup snap \"gnome-42-2204\" aliases",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505915366Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:23.553118639Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "257",
        "kind": "run-hook",
        "summary": "Run post-refresh hook of \"gnome-42-2204\" snap if present",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505916853Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:23.56744097Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "258",
        "kind": "start-snap-services",
        "summary": "Start snap \"gnome-42-2204\" (172) services",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505920905Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:23.602721278Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "259",
        "kind": "cleanup",
        "summary": "Clean up \"gnome-42-2204\" (172) install",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505949657Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:23.624068681Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "260",
        "kind": "run-hook",
        "summary": "Run configure hook of \"gnome-42-2204\" snap if present",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.505954358Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:23.647486658Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "261",
        "kind": "run-hook",
        "summary": "Run health check of \"gnome-42-2204\" snap",
        "status": "Done",
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.50596174Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:23.673947264Z",
        "data": {
          "affected-snaps": [
        "id": "262",
        "kind": "check-rerefresh",
        "summary": "Monitoring snap \"gnome-42-2204\" to determine whether extra refresh steps are required",
        "status": "Done",
        "log": [
          "2024-03-28T13:01:25Z INFO No re-refreshes found."
        "progress": {
          "label": "",
          "done": 1,
          "total": 1
        "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.506102824Z",
        "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:25.812673268Z"
    "ready": true,
    "spawn-time": "2024-03-28T13:00:35.506186473Z",
    "ready-time": "2024-03-28T13:01:25.812676746Z",
    "data": {
      "snap-names": [


  • id: a unique ID for this change
  • kind: a code describing what type of change this is
  • summary: human readable description of the change
  • status: summary status of the current combined task statuses (see below)
  • tasks: array of objects describing tasks in this change (optional, see below)
  • ready: true if this change has completed
  • spawn-time: the time this change started in in RFC3339 UTC format with µs precision
  • ready-time: the time this change completed in RFC3339 UTC format with µs precision. (omitted if not completed)
  • err: human readable error description if transaction has failed (optional, omitted until completed)
  • data: result of the change

Data fields according to kind

  • refresh-forced: a list of snaps whose refresh was previously inhibited and were force-continued in this auto-refresh change due to a maximum inhibition timeout (optional)


    "kind": "auto-refresh"
    "data": {
        "snap-names": ["instance-name"],
        "refresh-forced": ["instance-name"]

The snap-names data field is attached to all changes related to snap operations and shows the list of affected snaps.

Task Fields

  • id: a unique ID for this task
  • kind: a code describing what type of task this is
  • summary: human readable description of the task
  • status: one of the following status codes:
    • "Abort" - Task has been aborted.
    • "Do" - Task ready to start.
    • "Doing" - Task in progress.
    • "Done" - Task is complete.
    • "Error" - Task completed with an error.
    • "Hold" - Task will not be run (probably due to failure of another task).
    • "Undo" - Task needs to be undone.
    • "Undoing" - Task is being undone.
    • "Wait" - Task was successful but an external event needs to occur before work can progress further. One example is requiring a reboot after a kernel snap update on classic Ubuntu systems.
  • progress: object containing the current progress of this task. label is a human readable description of the progress, done and total are numbers showing the progress of this task
  • spawn-time: the time this task was created in RFC3339 UTC format with µs precision
  • ready-time: the time this task completed in RFC3339 UTC format with µs precision (omitted if not completed)
  • data: result of the task (optional)
    • affected-snaps: array of strings describing snaps affected by task

POST /v2/changes/[id]

  • Description: abort a change in progress
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: current status of change or standard error



    "action": "abort"


See return from GET.

POST /v2/cohorts

  • Description: create creates a set of cohort keys for a given set of snaps
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: cohorts key or standard error


  • action: create
  • snaps: array of snap names to be included in the cohort

GET /v2/connections

  • Description: get all the interface connections
  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: connection status of plugs and slots



Limit results to a given snap name.


When set to all, unconnected slots and plugs are included in the results. When unset or empty, the results include only those plugs and slots that are connected.


Takes an interface name. When set, the results are limited to the selected interface.


    "established": [
            "slot": { "snap": "core", "slot": "home" },
            "plug": { "snap": "foo", "plug": "home" },
            "interface": "home",
            "slot": { "snap": "core", "slot": "network-control" },
            "plug": { "snap": "foo", "plug": "network-control" },
            "interface": "network-control",
            "manual": true
    "undesired": [
            "slot": { "snap": "core", "slot": "foo-data" },
            "plug": { "snap": "foo", "plug": "foo-data" },
            "interface": "content",
            "manual": true
    "plugs": [
            "snap": "foo",
            "slot": "home",
            "interface": "home",
            "connections": [
                { "snap": "core", "slot": "home" }
            "snap": "foo",
            "slot": "network-control",
            "interface": "network-control",
            "connections": [
                { "snap": "core", "slot": "network-control" }
    "slots": [
            "snap": "core",
            "slot": "home",
            "interface": "home",
            "connections": [
                { "snap": "foo", "plug": "home" }
            "snap": "core",
            "slot": "network-control",
            "interface": "network-control",
            "connections": [
                { "snap": "foo", "plug": "network-control" }


  • established: array of connections made with slots and plugs
  • undesired: array of connections that have been manually disconnected. These connections would otherwise be automatically made
  • plugs: array of connected plugs
  • slots: array of connected slots

Fields for plugs / slots

  • snap: the snap this plug / slot is part of
  • plug or slot: the name of this plug / slot
  • interface: the interface this plug / slot uses
  • attrs: dict containing attributes for the interface in use. Attributes values can be of any type, e.g. boolean, strings etc
  • label: human readable description of plug / slot
  • connections: list of current slots / plugs that are connected to this. Each connection contains the name of the snap and the connected slot / plug

Connection fields

  • slot: snap and slot name connected
  • plug: plug and slot name connected
  • interface: name of interface in use
  • manual: set to true if this interface was manually connected by a user
  • gadget: set to true if this interface was connected by the gadget snap
  • slot-attrs: object of slot attributes for this connection
  • plug-attrs: object of plug attributes for this connection

GET /v2/find

  • Description: find snaps in the store
  • Access: open or authenticated
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: list of snaps in the store that match the search term and that the host system can handle



Search for snaps whose name matches the given string. Can’t be used together with q . This is meant for things like autocompletion. The match is exact (i.e. find would return 0 or 1 results) unless the string ends in * .


Search for snaps that match the given string. Spaces between words are treated as logical AND operators. This is a weighted broad search, meant as the main interface to searching for snaps.


If set to wide, the search results are broadened to include non-stable packages.


Section in the store to search. Use GET /v2/sections to get the names of the sections.


Alter the collection searched:

  • refresh: search refreshable snaps. Can’t be used with q, nor name
  • private: search private snaps (by default, find only searches public snaps). Can’t be used with name, only q (for now at least).


Search for snaps using the common-id snap app attribute. This is often the application name used by other packaging formats, such as org.videolan.vlc for the VLC media player.



http://localhost/v2/find\?q\=libreoffice | jq


      "id": "CpUkI0qPIIBVRsjy49adNq4D6Ra72y4v",
      "title": "LibreOffice",
      "summary": "LibreOffice is a powerful office suite including word processing and creation of spreadsheets, slideshows and databases",
      "description": "LibreOffice is a powerful and free office suite, used by millions of people around the world. Its clean interface and feature-rich tools help you unleash your creativity and enhance your productivity. LibreOffice includes several applications that make it the most versatile Free and Open Source office suite on the market: writer (word processing), Calc (spreadsheets), Impress (presentations), Draw (vector graphics and flowcharts), Base (databases), and Math (formula editing).",
      "download-size": 436375552,
      "icon": "",
      "name": "libreoffice",
      "publisher": {
        "id": "canonical",
        "username": "canonical",
        "display-name": "Canonical",
        "validation": "verified"
      "store-url": "",
      "developer": "canonical",
      "status": "available",
      "type": "app",
      "base": "core18",
      "version": "",
      "channel": "stable",
      "ignore-validation": false,
      "revision": "180",
      "confinement": "strict",
      "private": false,
      "devmode": false,
      "jailmode": false,
      "contact": "",
      "license": "MPL-2.0",
      "common-ids": [
      "website": "",
      "media": [
          "type": "icon",
          "url": ""
          "type": "banner",
          "url": "",
          "width": 2100,
          "height": 700
          "type": "screenshot",
          "url": "",
          "width": 1082,
          "height": 651
          "type": "screenshot",
          "url": "",
          "width": 1080,
          "height": 648
          "type": "screenshot",
          "url": "",
          "width": 1080,
          "height": 647
          "type": "screenshot",
          "url": "",
          "width": 1080,
          "height": 647
          "type": "screenshot",
          "url": "",
          "width": 1081,
          "height": 647
      "install-date": "2020-06-02T17:25:50.864197657+01:00"


  • base: the base snap this snap relies on (optional)
  • channel: the channel this snap is from
  • channels: available channels to download. See below for fields. (only returned for searches with name parameter)
  • common-ids: common IDs used by the apps in this snap
  • confinement: the confinement requested by the snap itself; one of strict, classic or devmode
  • contact: the method of contacting the developer
  • description: snap description
  • developer: developer who created the snap (deprecated, use username from publisher instead)
  • download-size: how big the download will be in bytes
  • epoch: the epoch of the application release. See Snap epochs for details
  • icon: a url to the snap icon, possibly relative to this server
  • id: unique ID for this snap
  • license: an SPDX license expression
  • name: the snap name
  • private: true if this snap is only available to its author
  • publisher: publisher information, made up of an id, username and display-name
  • released-at: date when app was released
  • resource: hTTP resource for this snap
  • revision: a number representing the revision, as a base 10 string
  • media: jSON array of media for this snap with each element consisting of a type , url and potentially a width and height for image media
           "type": "icon",
           "url": ""
           "type": "banner",
           "url": "",
           "width": 2100,
           "height": 700

Channel Fields

  • channel: the channel this snap is from
  • confinement: the confinement requested by the snap itself; one of strict, classic or devmode
  • epoch: ?. Must be in the form of an integer
  • released-at: date this revision was released into the channel in RFC3339 UTC format
  • revision: a number representing the revision in this channel, as a base 10 string
  • size: how big the download will be in bytes
  • version: a string representing the version in this channel

GET /v2/icons/{name}/icon

  • Description: get an icon from a snap installed on the system The response will be the raw contents of the icon file; the content-type will be set accordingly and the Content-Disposition header will specify the filename.

    This fetches the icon from the snap itself.

  • Access: open

This is not a standard return type.

GET /v2/interfaces

  • Description: get the available interfaces and associated metadata
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: an array of interface information



Set to all to retrieve all interfaces, or connected to only return connected interfaces (if this parameter is omitted then the call returns the legacy format that should be no longer used).


If true, then slot information is returned.


If true, then plug information is returned.


If true then interface documentation is returned.


If given, then only interfaces that match the comma separated names are returned.


        "name": "content",
        "summary": "allows sharing code and data with other snaps"
        "plugs": [
            { "snap": "foo", "plug": "foo-data" }
        "name": "home",
        "summary": "allows access to non-hidden files in the home directory",
        "plugs": [
            { "snap": "foo", "plug": "home" }
        "name": "network-control",
        "summary": "allows configuring networking and network namespaces"
        "plugs": [
            { "snap": "foo", "plug": "network-control" }


  • name: name of interface
  • summary: human-readable summary of interface (optional)
  • doc-url: uRL to further documentation (optional)
  • plugs: plugs using this interface (only if using plugs=true)
  • slots: plugs using this interface (only if using slots=true)

POST /v2/interfaces

  • Description: issue an action to the interface system
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: async
  • Return: background operation or standard error


    "action": "connect",
    "slots": [{"snap": "canonical-pi2",   "slot": "pin-13"}],
    "plugs": [{"snap": "keyboard-lights", "plug": "capslock-led"}]


  • action: action to perform, either "connect" or "disconnect"
  • plugs: array of plugs to connect. Each plug is referred to by the snap it is part of and the name of the plug
  • slots: array of slots to connect to. Each slot is referred to by the snap it is part of and the name of the slot

POST /v2/login

  • Description: log user in the store
  • Access: root
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: dict with the authenticated user information or error



     "email": "",
     "password": "swordfish",
     "otp": "123456"


  • email: the email address being logged in with. This must be a valid email address (also supported with legacy username field)
  • password: password for this account
  • otp: one time password for this account (optional). This field being wrong will generate the two-factor-required or two-factor-failed errors



    "id": 1,
    "username": "user1",
    "email": "",
    "macaroon": "serialized-store-macaroon",
    "discharges": ["discharge-for-macaroon-authentication"]


  • id: unique ID for this user account
  • email: email address associated with this account
  • username: local username associated with this account (optional)
  • macaroon: serialized macaroon to be passed back in the HTTP Authorization header
  • discharges: array of serialized discharges to be passed back in the HTTP Authorization header

POST /v2/logout

  • Description: log user out of the store
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: 200 OK or an error

GET /v2/logs

  • Description: get log contents
  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: a sequence of log messages



Number of entries to return or all for all entries. Defaults to 10 entries.


If set then returns log entries as they occur.



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json-seq

<0x1E>{"timestamp":"2017-11-06T02:13:29.707407Z","message":"Thing occurred","sid":"service1","pid":"1000"}
<0x1E>{"timestamp":"2017-11-06T02:13:29.708319Z","message":"Other thing occurred","sid":"service1","pid":"1000"}

GET /v2/model

  • Description: retrieve the active model assertion for the system
  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: the model assertion for the device or system



type: model
authority-id: generic
series: 16
brand-id: generic
model: generic-classic
classic: true
timestamp: 2017-07-27T00:00:00.0Z
sign-key-sha3-384: d-JcZF9nD9eBw7bwMnH61x-bklnQOhQud1Is6o_cn2wTj8EYDi9musrIT9z2MdAa


GET /v2/model/serial

  • Description: retrieve the current serial assertion for the system
  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: the serial assertion for the device or system



type: serial
authority-id: generic
brand-id: generic
model: generic-classic
serial: 46923e6d-5d45-420d-905a-99a9e92493b4
device-key-sha3-384: 856SE5VcaoS0T8ccMMb22xtuqLLXTxyrBGoFYfG-vXMyx5urvl4i4s2-ZxH_WovR
timestamp: 2017-10-11T08:11:22.422257Z
sign-key-sha3-384: wrfougkz3Huq2T_KklfnufCC0HzG7bJ9wP99GV0FF-D3QH3eJtuSRlQc2JhrAoh1

POST /v2/model

  • Description: replace the current model assertion
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: async
  • Return: 202 OK or an error

Can be either:

  • JSON content-type, containing only the model assertion and requiring online store access to retrieve other components
  • multipart/form-data content-type, to side-load whatever new components may be required. See offline remodelling.

POST /v2/model/serial

  • Description: replace the active serial assertion
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: async
  • Return: 202 OK or an error

GET /v2/notices

  • Description: retrieve notices for the current user and any public notices
  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: the details of any recorded notice which matches the given filters


The following parameters filter the notices returned by the API call. Notices must match every provided filter to be included.


If types is specified, only return notices with types matching the given types. Types may be any of:

  • change-update: recorded when a change is spawned or whenever its status is updated. The key is the change ID.
  • warning: a warning created by snapd. The key is a human-readable warning message.
  • refresh-inhibit: recorded when an auto-refresh is inhibited for one or more snaps. The key is always -.

The types parameter can be included multiple types, and notices matching any of the types are returned.


If keys is specified, only return notices with one of the given keys.


If after is specified, only return notices with a LastRepeated field greater than the specified time, which should be in RFC3339 format.


If there are notices matching the filter which have already been recorded, these notices are returned immediately. Otherwise, if timeout is specified, wait up to the given duration for any new notices matching the filter to be recorded. This allows the user to use long-polling to be notified immediately when a new notice is recorded.


Admin only.

Instead of returning notices associated with the user who initiated the API request, return notices associated with the given UID. Public notices are still returned, as before.

Cannot be used with the users parameter.


Admin only.

Value must be all. Return notices associated with all users, instead of just the user which initiated the API request.

Cannot be used with the user-id parameter.



  "type": "sync",
  "status-code": 200,
  "status": "OK",
  "result": [
      "id": "1",
      "user-id": null,
      "type": "change-update",
      "key": "5",
      "first-occurred": "2024-03-28T19:24:31.224894652Z",
      "last-occurred": "2024-03-28T19:24:31.97763631Z",
      "last-repeated": "2024-03-28T19:24:31.97763631Z",
      "occurrences": 2,
      "last-data": {
        "kind": "refresh-snap"
      "expire-after": "168h0m0s"


  • id: the unique ID of the given notice
  • user-id: the UID of the user who may view the notice (often its creator), or null if the notice is public (viewable by all users)
  • type: the type of the notice, which may be one of the following:
    • change-update: recorded when a change is spawned or whenever its status is updated
    • warning: a warning created by snapd
    • refresh-inhibit: recorded when an auto-refresh is inhibited for one or more snaps
  • key: an identifier which is type-specific and unique among notices for a particular user and type
    • For change-update notices, the key is the change ID
    • For warning notices, the key is a human-readable warning message
    • For refresh-inhibit notices, the key is always -
  • first-occurred: the timestamp of the first time one of these notices (user ID, type, and key combination) occurred, in RFC3339 format
  • last-occurred: the timestamp of the last time one of these notices occurred, in RFC3339 format, which is updated every time one of these notices occurs.
  • last-repeated: the timestamp of the last time one of these notices repeated, in RFC3339 format, which is set when one of these notices first occurs and updated when it reoccurs at least repeat-after after the previous last-repeated time.
  • occurrences: the number of times one of these notices has been recorded
  • last-data: additional data captured from the last occurrence of one of these notices
  • repeat-after: the duration after one of these notices was last repeated before it is allowed to repeat again
  • expire-after: the duration after one of these notices was last recorded before it should be dropped

GET /v2/quotas

  • Description: get all Quota groups
  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: a list of quota groups and the constraints they contain



  "group-name": "highmem",
  "subgroups": [
  "snaps": [
  "constraints": {
    "memory": 2000000000
  "current": {}
  "group-name": "loggroup",
  "snaps": [
  "constraints": {
    "journal": {
      "size": 64000000
  "current": {}
  "group-name": "logmem",
  "constraints": {
    "memory": 64000000,
    "journal": {
      "size": 64000000
  "current": {}
  "group-name": "lowmem",
  "parent": "highmem",
  "constraints": {
    "memory": 1000000000
  "current": {}


  • group-name: name of the quota group.
  • subgroups: lists any subgroups this quota group contains.
  • parent: contains the parent quota group name, if this group is a subgroup.
  • snaps: lists any snaps that belong to this quota group.
  • services: only for a subgroup, lists specific services belonging to a snap in the parent group.
  • constraints: types and values of limits defined for this quota group:
    • memory: memory usage limit.
    • cpu: includes percentage as a limit.
    • cpu-set: per-cpu limits, with cpus listing included cores.
    • threads: maximum number of threads for this quota group.
    • journal: number of messages logged per time period.
    • journal: includes size and both rate-count and rate-period for rate limits.
  • current: contains the current usage of memory and task quotas, such as "memory": 450 to show 450 bytes are currently being used in a group with a memory limit.

GET /v2/quotas[/{group-name}]

  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: either a single quota group, or an error



    "group-name": "allquotas",
    "constraints": {
      "memory": 64000000,
      "cpu": {
        "percentage": 50
      "cpu-set": {
        "cpus": [
      "threads": 4096,
      "journal": {
        "size": 32000000,
        "rate-count": 10,
        "rate-period": 3600000000000
    "current": {}

For a description of the fields returned by this request, see GET /v2/quotas above.

POST /v2/quotas

  • Description: create, modify or remove a quota group
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: async
  • Return: 202 OK or an error



    "action": "ensure",
    "group-name": "quotagroup",
    "parent": "quotaparent",
    "snaps": ["snap1", "snap2"],
    "services": ["snap1.svc1", "snap2.svc"],
    "constraints": [{"journal":{"size":64000000}}]


  • action: action to perform. Must be either ensure or remove:
    • ensure: creates or modifies a pre-existing group with the fields supported by quotas. See GET /v2/quotas above.
    • remove: removes a quota group. Only group-name is required.

GET /v2/sections

  • Description: get the store sections
  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: an array containing the store section names




POST /v2/snapctl

  • Description: run snapctl command
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: command output or standard error



    "context-id": "ABCDEF",
    "args": [ "get", "username" ]


  • context-id: context for this call
  • args: arguments to snapctl



    "stdout": "username",
    "stderr": ""


  • stdout: data written to stdout from snapctl command
  • stderr: data written to stderr from snapctl command

GET /v2/snaps

  • Description: list installed snaps
  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: list of snaps installed on the system, as for /v2/find


Filter snaps to return information about:

  • all: show all snap revisions installed
  • enabled: show only revisions of snaps that are active (default)
  • refresh-inhibited: shows snaps that are inhibited for refresh.


Return only information for the given snaps. Snap names are separated by commas.



      "apps": [{"name": "moon-buggy"}]
      "channel": "stable"
      "confinement": "strict"
      "description": "Moon-buggy is a simple character graphics game, where you drive some kind of car across the moon's surface.  Unfortunately there are dangerous craters there.  Fortunately your car can jump over them!\r\n",
      "developer": "dholbach",
      "devmode": false,
      "icon": "",
      "id": "2kkitQurgOkL3foImG4wDwn9CIANuHlt",
      "install-date": "2016-05-17T09:36:53+12:00",
      "installed-size": 90112,
      "license": "GPL-2.0+",
      "name": "moon-buggy",
      "private": false,
      "resource": "/v2/snaps/moon-buggy",
      "revision": "11",
      "status": "active",
      "summary": "Drive a car across the moon",
      "trymode": false,
      "type": "app",
      "version": "",
      "refresh-inhibit": {"proceed-time": "2024-04-17T12:51:25.742080444+02:00"},
    }, {
      "summary": "The ubuntu-core OS snap",
      "description": "A secure, minimal transactional OS for devices and containers.",
      "icon": "",                  // core might not have an icon
      "installed-size": 67784704,
      "install-date": "2016-03-08T11:29:21Z",
      "name": "core",
      "developer": "canonical",
      "resource": "/v2/snaps/ubuntu-core",
      "status": "active",
      "type": "core",
      "update-available": 247,
      "version": "241",
      "revision": 99,
      "channel": "stable",


In addition to the fields described in /v2/find:

  • apps: jSON array of apps the snap provides. See below for fields
  • broken: a string describing if this snap is not working (optional)
  • devmode: true if the snap is currently installed in development mode
  • installed-size: how much space the snap itself (not its data) uses
  • install-date: the date and time when the snap was installed in RFC3339 UTC format
  • jailmode: true if the app is currently installed in jail mode
  • mounted-from: path the snap is mounted from, which is a .snap file for installed snaps and a directory for snaps in try mode
  • status: can be either installed or active (i.e. is current)
  • tracking-channel: the channel updates will be installed from
  • trymode: true if the app was installed in try mode
  • refresh-inhibit: contains proceed-time which is the date and time after which a refresh is forced for a running snap in the next auto-refresh in RFC3339 UTC format (optional)

Furthermore, channels, download-size, screenshots and tracks cannot occur in the output of /v2/snaps.

App Fields

  • name: name of the app, i.e. the name of the executable
  • aliases: a list of alias names for this app (optional)
  • common-id: a common ID associated with this app (optional)
  • daemon: the type of daemon this app is. One of “simple”, “forking”, “oneshot”, “dbus” or “notify” (optional, only applicable for daemons)
  • desktop-file: path to desktop file for this app (optional)

POST /v2/snaps

  • Description: install, refresh, revert, remove, hold, unhold, enable, disable, switch or snapshot snaps
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: async
  • Return: background operation or standard error

Store Request


    "action": "refresh",
    "snaps": ["moon-buggy"]


  • action: either install, refresh, remove, revert, hold, unhold, enable, disable or switch
  • snaps: array of snap names to perform action on (optional, interpreted as all snaps if not present for a refresh)
  • transaction: optional string field, defaulting to per-snap if not present. If all-snaps is used, the action field will be performed such that the corresponding change will have a single transaction covering all the snaps. If in this case there is a failure for any snap, the state of all affected snaps will be fully reverted, even if for some snap the action has been successful. This field is valid for install and refresh actions. See Transactional updates for more details
  • system-restart-immediate: if true, makes any system restart, needed by the action, immediate and without delay (requires snapd 2.52)
  • validation-sets: array of validation sets to enforce, refreshing and installing snaps as required. Cannot be used in tandem with the ‘snaps’ field (optional)

Hold only

The hold action holds, or postpones, snap updates for individual snaps, or for all snaps on the system, either indefinitely or for a specified period of time.

Requires snapd 2.58+.


  • hold-level: general or auto-refresh to target specific snap refreshes or automatic updates respectively
  • time: instant until which the refresh is held. Specified either in RFC3339 format or forever to postpone updates indefinitely. Time instants are always accepted even if they have already passed

Similar functionality is provided by the snap refresh --hold command.

Sideload Request

Snaps can be sideloaded by passing the snap content in a multipart/form-data request with one or more files named “snap”.


POST /v2/snaps HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=foo
Content-Length: 20638

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="devmode"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="snap"; filename="hello-world_27.snap"

<20480 bytes of snap file data>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="snap"; filename="other-snap_1.snap"

<20480 bytes of snap file data>

The following fields are supported:

  • action: the action to perform, either install or try (optional, defaults to install)
  • classic: put snaps in classic mode and disable security confinement if true (optional)
  • dangerous: install the given snap files even if there are no pre-acknowledged signatures for them, meaning they are not verified and could be dangerous if true (optional, implied by devmode)
  • devmode: put snaps in development mode and disable security confinement if true (optional)
  • jailmode: put snaps in enforced confinement mode if true (optional)
  • system-restart-immediate: if true, makes any system restart, needed by the action, immediate and without delay (requires snapd 2.52)
  • snap: the contents of a snap file. Note that filename is required to be set but the value is not used. Content-Type is not required, but recommended (optional, required if action is install)
  • snap-path: directory to install in try mode (optional, required if action is try)

Snapshot creation


    "action": "snapshot",
    "snaps": ["snap1", "snap2"],
    "users": ["user1", "user1"],
            "exclude": ["$SNAP_DATA/*.bak","$SNAP_COMMON/cache", "$SNAP_USER_DATA/.gnupg", "$SNAP_USER_COMMON/cache"]
            "exclude": ["$SNAP_DATA/*.bak", "$SNAP_COMMON/exclude", "$SNAP_USER_DATA/.gnupg", "$SNAP_USER_COMMON/large-files"]


  • action: snapshot
  • snaps: array of snap names whose data should be snapshotted
  • users: array of user names to whom snapshots are to be restricted (optional)
  • snapshot-options: list of snapshot options per snap that requires dynamic snapshot data exclusion. Snapshot options currently consist of only the “exclude” field that contains a list of wildcard patterns for files or directories to exclude from the snapshot data (optional)

ⓘ Note that the snapshot-options field, which enables dynamic exclusion of snapshot data, is currently an experimental feature


    "result": {"set-id": 42},
    "change": "999",
    "status-code": 202,
    "type": "async"

GET /v2/snaps/{name}

  • Description: details for an installed snap
  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: snap details (as in /v2/snaps)

POST /v2/snaps/{name}

  • Description: install, refresh, remove, revert, enable or disable
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: async
  • Return: background operation or standard error



    "action": "install",
    "channel": "beta"


  • action: either install, refresh, remove, revert, enable, disable or switch
  • channel: from which channel to pull the new package (and track henceforth). Channels are a means to discern the maturity of a package or the software it contains, although the exact meaning is left to the application developer. One of edge, beta, candidate, and stable which is the default. (optional, only applicable when action is install or refresh)
  • classic: put snap in classic mode and disable security confinement if true (optional, only applicable with action set to install, refresh, revert)
  • devmode: put snap in development mode and disable security confinement if true (optional, only applicable with action set to install, refresh, revert)
  • ignore-validation: ignore validation by other snaps blocking the refresh if true (optional, only applicable with action set to refresh)
  • jailmode: put snap in enforced confinement mode if true (optional, only applicable with action set to install, refresh, revert)
  • revision: revision to install (optional, only applicable with action set to install, refresh or revert)
  • purge: don’t save a snapshot with the snap’s data when removing if set to true (optional, only applicable with action set to remove)
  • system-restart-immediate: make any system restart needed by the action immediate without delay if true (requires snapd 2.52)

GET /v2/snaps/{name}/conf

  • Description: configuration details for an installed snap
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: jSON map of configuration keys and values

name can be the reserved name system to get system options.



Request the configuration values corresponding to the specific keys (comma-separated); dotted keys can be used to retrieve nested values .

PUT /v2/snaps/{name}/conf

  • Description: set the configuration details for an installed snap
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: async
  • Return: background operation or standard error

name can be the reserved name system to set system options.



    "conf-key1": "conf-value1",
    "conf-key2": "conf-value2"

Keys can be dotted, the null value can be used to unset configuration options.

GET /v2/snapshots

  • Description: get a list of snapshots
  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: list containing metadata for stored snapshots

Returns an array containing all the snapshot metadata stored on the system.



  "type": "sync",
  "status-code": 200,
  "status": "OK",
  "result": [
      "id": 40,
      "snapshots": [
          "set": 40,
          "time": "2020-12-16T11:52:00.689328169Z",
          "snap": "<snap-name>",
          "revision": "x2",
          "epoch": {
            "read": [
            "write": [
          "summary": "",
          "version": "6.0",
          "sha3-384": {
            "archive.tgz": "31fcc9cce5b5cdc68aeb38e3ef3866f00174dba158bce23870962b7dee12c1ec49a434346f6e8c7a1209858fb95e8020",
            "user/<username>.tgz": "e19ab68a4aef50468667b873aefa83813919851b931b60782b0d8e4d6d12021402c757002ba3738855ed9e8da1268c50"
          "size": 846235,
          "options": {
            "exclude": [

GET /v2/snapshots[/{set-id}/export

  • Description: exports the snapshot with given set-id
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: stream of snapshot data

The set-id is the snapshot identifier retrieved either from the ‘snap saved’ command or GET /v2/snapshots.

The response has Content-Type: application/x.snapd.snapshot and Content-Length headers, plus the data stream which contains an uncompressed tar archive containing multiple zip files inside (one zip file for every snap included in the snapshot). The details of stream format might change, it is mainly intended for importing via POST /v2/snapshots.

POST /v2/snapshots

  • Description: manipulate or import a snapshot
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: see each operation category
  • Return: see each operation category

Snapshots based on current installed snap data are created via POST /v2/snaps.

Snapshot manipulation

  • Description: restore, check or forget a snapshot
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: async
  • Return: background operation or standard error


   "action": "restore",
   "set": 35,
   "snaps": ["snap1"],
   "users":  ["user1"],


  • action: either restore, check or forget
  • set: the id of the snapshot set to operate on
  • snaps: array of snap names to restrict the action to (optional)
  • users: array of user names to restrict the action to (only for restore, optional)

Snapshot import

  • Operation: sync
  • Return: the set-id of the imported snapshot and names of the snaps

Request headers:

Content-Type: application/x.snapd.snapshot Content-Length: <size of the imported snapshot>

The request body should contain the snapshot data (i.e. a tar archive of an exported snapshot).



 "type": "sync",
 "result": {
      "set": 42,
        "snaps": [

GET /v2/system-info

  • Description: server configuration and environment information
  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: dict with the operating system’s key values



    "architecture": "amd64",
    "build-id": "524d4b73702d554259465f5636394134783251482f554a5075625a724e6d72524f42774b78566e33442f423354555f2d3449767859315437645171554b432f5a47334c4859716e4a634b5550645241466b584e",
    "confinement": "strict",
    "features": {
        "apparmor-prompting": {
            "supported": false,
            "unsupported-reason": "requires newer version of snapd",
            "enabled": false
        "aspects-configuration": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": false
        "check-disk-space-install": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": false
        "check-disk-space-refresh": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": false
        "check-disk-space-remove": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": false
        "classic-preserves-xdg-runtime-dir": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": true
        "dbus-activation": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": true
        "gate-auto-refresh-hook": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": false
        "hidden-snap-folder": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": false
        "hotplug": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": false
        "layouts": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": true
        "move-snap-home-dir": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": false
        "parallel-instances": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": false
        "per-user-mount-namespace": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": false
        "quota-groups": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": false
        "refresh-app-awareness": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": true
        "refresh-app-awareness-ux": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": false
        "robust-mount-namespace-updates": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": true
        "snapd-snap": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": false
        "user-daemons": {
            "supported": true,
            "enabled": false
    "kernel-version": "6.5.0-26-generic",
    "locations": {
        "snap-bin-dir": "/snap/bin",
        "snap-mount-dir": "/snap"
    "managed": false,
    "on-classic": true,
    "os-release": {
        "id": "ubuntu",
        "version-id": "23.10"
    "refresh": {
        "timer": "00:00~24:00/4",
        "last": "2024-04-02T16:27:00-05:00",
        "next": "2024-04-02T22:55:00-05:00"
    "sandbox-features": {
        "apparmor": [
        "confinement-options": [
        "dbus": [
        "kmod": [
        "mount": [
        "seccomp": [
        "udev": [
    "series": "16",
    "system-mode": "run",
    "version": "2.62"


  • architecture: the CPU architecture of the host system
  • build-id: a unique ID for this build of snapd
  • confinement: the level of confinement the system supports; either strict or partial
  • features: dict mapping snapd feature names to information about whether that feature is supported and/or enabled
  • kernel-version: version of the kernel on this system
  • locations: dict containing directory locations used by snapd (see below)
  • managed: true if able to manage user accounts (?)
  • on-classic: true if not running on a fully snap managed system
  • os-release: object containing release information as sourced from /etc/os-release. Contains id which is a unique ID for each OS and version-id which is a string describing the version of this OS
  • refresh: dict containing refresh times (optional, see below)
  • sandbox-features: dict containing information information about features supported by various components of the sandbox
  • series: the core series in use
  • system-mode: the mode under which snapd is operating; either run, recover, or install (absent on pre-UC20 systems)
  • version: the version of snapd
  • store: the name of the store being used (optional, omitted if using the standard store)

Location fields

  • snap-mount-dir: directory where snaps are mounted in
  • snap-bin-dir: directory where snap apps are run from

Refresh fields

  • last: last time a refresh was performed (optional)
  • next: next time a refresh will be performed
  • hold: time that refreshes will be applied (optional, if missing then applied immediately)
  • timer: times that updates are checked for
  • schedule: schedule that updates are being checked with (legacy, replaced with timer)

GET /v2/systems

  • Description: get the list of recovery systems
  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: list of recovery systems


"systems": [
                "actions": [
                        "mode": "install",
                        "title": "Reinstall"
                        "mode": "recover",
                        "title": "Recover"
                        "mode": "factory-reset",
                        "title": "Factory reset"
                        "mode": "run",
                        "title": "Run normally"
                "brand": {
                    "display-name": "Canonical",
                    "id": "canonical",
                    "username": "canonical",
                    "validation": "verified"
                "current": true,
                "label": "20220518",
                "model": {
                    "brand-id": "canonical",
                    "display-name": "ubuntu-core-22-pi-arm64-dangerous",
                    "model": "ubuntu-core-22-pi-arm64-dangerous"


  • current: current is true when the system running now was installed from this recovery system seed
  • label: the label for this recovery system
  • model: the model assertion information associated with this recovery system
  • brand: the brand information associated with the model that this recovery system has
  • actions: actions available for this system

Model assertion information fields

  • model: the model name from the model assertion
  • brand-id: the brand-id from the model assertion
  • display-name: the display name of the model from the model assertion

Brand information fields

  • username: the username of the brand from the account assertion
  • id: the account-id of the brand account assertion
  • display-name: the display name of the brand from the account assertion
  • validation: the validation status from the brand account assertion (see the brand account assertion docs for the valid values of this)

Action fields

  • mode: the mode that the system transitions to when executing the given action
  • title: a user presentable description of taking this action

POST /v2/systems

  • Description: attempt to perform an action with the current active recovery system
  • Access: root
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: 200 OK or an error

Example response:

    "action": "reboot",
    "mode": "run"

  "action": "create",
  "label": "some-label",
  "test-system": false,
  "mark-default": false,
  "validation-sets": ["id1/validation-set1=2", "id2/validation-set2"],
  "offline": false,

    "action": "do",
    "mode": "recover"

    "action": "do",
    "mode": "install",

    "action": "do",
    "mode": "factory-reset"


  • action: action to perform, which is either “reboot”, “create” or “do”.

    The “reboot” action will always reboot the device to the specified mode, even if the specified system and mode are the current system and mode.

    The “create” action will attempt to create a recovery system. See Create a recovery system using the REST API for further details.

    The “do” action is meant to consume fields of an action as provided in the actions list under the system in the response from a GET request to /v2/systems. Currently “mode” is the only such field, but there may be more fields added that correspond to additional details about the action that can be taken with the system. If the “do” action is provided for the current system and the current mode then no action is taken. For the current active recovery system, specifying a different mode from the current mode (and no other additional fields are specified with “do”), the actions “do” or “reboot” are equivalent.

  • mode: the mode to transition to. Modes “run” and “recover” are only available for the current active recovery system.

    The “install” and “factory-reset” modes are always available for all recovery systems and will trigger either a full system install or a re-initialisation of the device to its factory state, with both modes deleting all user and system data

See Recovery modes for more details on each supported recovery mode, what they do, and how they can be used.

GET /v2/system-recovery-keys

  • Description: retrieve LUKS encryption keys when using full disk encryption on Ubuntu Core
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: recovery key



    "result": {
        "recovery-key": "14697-25590-04585-06938-46886-23115-29787-34072"
    "status": "OK",
    "status-code": 200,
    "type": "sync"

POST /v2/system-recovery-keys

  • Description: removes and resets LUKS encryption keys when using full disk encryption on Ubuntu Core
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: success or error code


  • action: the only action currently supported is remove to remove and reset the encryption keys stored as LUKS metadata when using full disk encryption (FDE) on Ubuntu Core devices

See Using recovery keys for more information.



    "result": null,
    "status": "OK",
    "status-code": 200,
    "type": "sync"

POST /v2/systems[/{label}]

  • Description: attempt to perform an action with the specified recovery system, identified by its label
  • Access: root
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: 200 OK or an error
  • Same fields and usage as POST to /v2/systems/

GET /v2/users

  • Description: get information on user accounts
  • Access: root
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: array of user account information



        "email": "",
        "id": 1,
        "username": "lp-username2"
        "email": "",
        "id": 2,
        "username": "user2"


  • email: email address associated with this account
  • id: unique ID for this user account
  • username: local username associated with this account (optional)

POST /v2/users

  • Description: create or remove local users
  • Access: root
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: list of objects with the created user details



    "action": "create",
    "username": "demo_user",
    "email": "",
    "sudoer": false


  • action: action to perform, either “create” or “remove”
  • email: the email of the user to create or remove
  • username: the username of the user to create or remove
  • sudoer: if true, adds “sudo” access to a created user
  • known: if true, use the local system-user assertions to create the user (see for details about the system-user assertion).
  • force-managed: force adding the user even if the device is already managed
  • automatic: if true, permits managed devices to create users via the API without generating an error. The system.users.create.automatic system option also needs to be set to false

As a special case: if email is empty and known is set to true, the command will create users for all system-user assertions that are valid for this device.



        "username": "mvo",
        "ssh-keys": ["key1","key2"]


  • id: the id of the user
  • username: the username of the user
  • ssh-keys: a list of strings with the ssh keys that got added

GET /v2/validation-sets

  • Description: get all enabled validation sets
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: list of validation sets



        "account-id": "xSfWAGdL56BoQxuuvIM90pbFNMq23t1f",
        "name": "bar",
        "mode": "monitor",
        "pinned-at": 2,
        "sequence": 3,
        "valid": false
        "account-id": "xSfWAGdL56BoQxuuvIM90pbFNMq23t1f",
        "name": "baz",
        "mode": "enforce",
        "sequence": 1,
        "valid": true


  • account-id: identifier for the developer account (creator of the validation-set).
  • name: name of the validation set.
  • mode: mode of the validation set in the system, either “monitor” or enforce".
  • pinned-at: only set (greater than 0) if the validation set is pinned at a specific sequence number.
  • sequence: current sequence value of the validation set assertion.
  • valid: reports whether the validation set is valid for the currently installed snaps.

GET /v2/validation-sets[/{account-id}/{name}]

  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: either a single validation-set dict, or an error



     "account-id": "xSfWAGdL56BoQxuuvIM90pbFNMq23t1f",
     "name": "bar",
     "mode": "monitor",
     "pinned-at": 2,
     "sequence": 3,
     "valid": false

For a description of the fields returned by this request, see GET /v2/validation-sets above.

POST /v2/validation-sets/[account-id]/[name]

  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: 200 OK or an error



    "action": "apply",
    "mode": "monitor",
    "sequence": 3


  • action: action to perform. Must be either “apply” or “forget”.
  • mode: only for the “apply” action. This specified the mode to enable for the validation-set. Can be either “monitor” or “enforce”.
  • sequence: an optional sequence number to pin at with “apply”. If passed with “forget”, then the validation set will only be forgotten if it is pinned at the given sequence (404 error will be returned if pinned at a different sequence).

GET /v2/warnings

  • Description: get the warnings in snapd
  • Access: open
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: list containing the warning messages



        "message": "hello world",
        "first-seen": "2017-01-23T12:00:44.806931498+13:00",
        "last-seen": "2017-01-23T12:00:44.806931498+13:00"
        "message": "hello again",
        "first-seen": "2017-01-23T12:00:44.806931498+13:00",
        "last-seen": "2017-01-23T12:00:44.806931498+13:00",
        "delete-after": "1h30m"

Warning Fields

  • message: message for this warning
  • first-seen: the first time one of these messages was created in RFC3339 UTC format
  • last-seen: the last time one of these messages was created in RFC3339 UTC format
  • last-shown: the last time one of these messages was shown to the user in RFC3339 UTC format (optional)
  • delete-after: how much time since one of these was last seen should we drop the message (optional)
  • repeat-after: how much time since one of these was last shown should we repeat it (optional)

The durations are in the form “72h3m0.5s” or “1us” or “1ns”.

POST /v2/warnings

  • Description: respond to warnings
  • Access: authenticated
  • Operation: sync
  • Return: 200 OK or an error



    "action": "okay",
    "timestamp": "2017-01-23T12:00:44.806931498+13:00"


  • action: must be okay
  • timestamp: time to clear warnings before in RFC3339 UTC format

Can this section also state that to get system config values, the snap [name] should be system?

made configuration its own subsection and mentioned that.


Is there an API for snap refresh --list? Thanks. :slight_smile:

Yes, it’s also documented, but its placement is not the most obvious. It is implemented as /v2/find?select=refresh.

1 Like

Apparently there is an enpoint to download a snap, but it is not documented. Can this please be added?

Thanks for mentioning this. I’ll ask the team for the best method and update the docs.

1 Like

The docs don’t seem to say how to get a remote assertion. The following succeeds in getting a remote snap-declaration assertion from a sudo snap run --shell APP shell (with snapd-control connected) for the specified snap-id

$SNAP/usr/bin/curl -sS -X GET --unix-socket /run/snapd.socket "http://localhost/v2/assertions/snap-declaration?series=16&remote=true&snap-id=OHILDGdP7v0yZmkQnvGyXnGD5t2mZZ1g"

Thanks for suggesting this. I’ve added a brief explanation - let me know if we need to expand on this.


When I tried to create/remove a user from rest API, I didn’t see any piece to mention how to remove a user, in my opinion, the doc should add more about user removal. I did trial and error to get it working via {"action":"remove","username":"yourname"}.

Is this list supposed to be complete, as there appear to be a number of other requests defined under snapd/daemon, such as cohort and quotas and more. If you follow the link “Using the REST API”, that page refers back to this page as a “reference”, suggesting it really should cover all possibilities. Otherwise, where does one get a comprehensive list of REST API requests short of looking at the source?

A minor nitpick: looks like the endpoint for POST 2/validation-sets/[account-id]/[name] is missing a v

Not a nitpick! It really should have been there :slight_smile: thanks for reporting it. I’ve updated the endpoint.

1 Like

Hi - just checking whether the download endpoint documentation is coming. Cheers

Not sure what the best way to document this is, but it would be helpful to elaborate on the Request fields for "action": "create" and "action": "remove" separately, as when action is remove, you need only a username field which this does not make readily apparent.

In the snapshot section, the documentation says to provide the “set-id” parameter to indicate which snapshot to restore. Doing this gives the following error about a missing set ID:

# http -v POST http+unix://%2Frun%2Fsnapd.socket/v2/snapshots action=forget set-id:=11
POST /v2/snapshots HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, */*;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 34
Content-Type: application/json
Host: %2Frun%2Fsnapd.socket
User-Agent: HTTPie/2.4.0

    "action": "forget",
    "set-id": 11

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Length: 124
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 13:13:21 GMT

    "result": {
        "message": "snapshot operation requires snapshot set ID"
    "status": "Bad Request",
    "status-code": 400,
    "type": "error"

Looking at the source code ( it should actually be just “set”. Changing this on the command line works:

# http -v POST http+unix://%2Frun%2Fsnapd.socket/v2/snapshots action=forget set:=11
POST /v2/snapshots HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, */*;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 31
Content-Type: application/json
Host: %2Frun%2Fsnapd.socket
User-Agent: HTTPie/2.4.0

    "action": "forget",
    "set": 11

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Length: 83
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 13:13:47 GMT

    "change": "104",
    "result": null,
    "status": "Accepted",
    "status-code": 202,
    "type": "async"

Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention, and you’re absolutely right - I just tried the same thing with the same results. Sorry this error made it into the docs. I’ll update them now.

1 Like

Hi, in the section for the logs endpoint it says that you can set n=all to retrieve all of the logs, but this doesn’t seem to work:

$ sudo curl -X GET --unix-socket /run/snapd.socket 'http://localhost/v2/logs?names=lxd&n=all' | python3 -m json.tool
    "type": "error",
    "status-code": 400,
    "status": "Bad Request",
    "result": {
        "message": "invalid value for n: \"all\": strconv.ParseInt: parsing \"all\": invalid syntax"

Setting n=-1 seems to achieve the functionality and returns all of the logs, but I’m not sure if that’s actually intended.