Verified Publisher request for Vivaldi Browser


We would like to make our account have Verified Publisher status for our snap “vivaldi”. More details of our company are on our website. The email address associated with this accound “” is a group address monitored by several people in Vivaldi, two of which are on this forum, i.e. @ruario and @volca

We have been preparing for this for a while and had it tested with internals since June. Some previous interactions on the forums here [linked below], where we requested help with things (and were often given it. :wink:)


+1 from me - this request fits all the requirements for Verified Accounts as I can see.


@alexmurray We would like to do a little marketing around the release of our official snap package and thus our marketing team is asking for me for a timescale on when we could get this verified. Any ideas at all? Is there some expected timescale. I of course understand if you cannot answer this but I figured I would try. :person_shrugging:

P.S. I would also love to get this outstanding issue fixed before we do go fully live/official. I added a bit more information to further demonstrate the accessiblity issue we see here with our .snap package but not with rpm/deb.

@policy-reviewers can anyone else chime in on this request?


From my perspective this meets all the requirements. I can’t verify the email address requirement myself and will have to leave that up to the store team. Otherwise, +1 from me as well!


Let me know if we need to do anything to prove we have access to this email address. Send an mail there and we (@ruario or @volca) can will let you know what it says :wink:

Thanks for that @alexmurray :bowing_man: