during testing it was revealed that we need to connect to gtk-common-themes to fix various issues (notably mouse cursor theme/size not being aligned with host system).
We’ve fixed that in snap rev. 40 - locally the package fixes the problem, but installed from the store I see it does not autoconnect to these:
I presume (reading other discussions in this forum) that this is a server side fix - so we are kindly requesting for the change here - I presume this may be related to the previous issues with ffmpeg autoconnect.
Launch Vivaldi and hover the cursor/pointer over the app
Expected result: It should use the custom, large cursor
You actually don’t see the custom cursor in Vivaldi once it is contained by snap. Here is a short video using the same build. The upper Vivaldi window is using snap, the lower is uncontained
No user has commented on this issue yet but I figure it is only an amount of time before it is noticed. FWIW, other Chromium browsers in the store appear to have this.
Apologies for the delay in reviewing this request - since there is a global auto-connect declaration in place for these interfaces this is uncontroversial, as such I have gone ahead and granted it now. Please let me know if there are any issues.