Request for 'Canonical Data Platform' verified publisher

I would like to request for a verified account called ‘Canonical Data Platform’. Based on this post , here are the details needed for this request:

  1. Start a new post in the forum, using the policy-requests category. In the post, state that you’d like to be a Verified Publisher with the following information:

A list of the snaps that you have, that should have a verified publisher associated with them, see the next post

  1. The institution, foundation or company that you are a member of or work for.

Canonical Data Platform

  1. Your role within that institution, foundation or company.

Michelle Anne Tabirao / Data Solutions Product Manager @ Canonical Alex Lutay / Engineering Manager @ Canonical Mykola Marzhan / Engineering Director @ Canonical

  1. The group email address that should be tied to the Verified Account.

  1. The way in which your institution has worked, collaborated or partnered with us. If your institution, foundation or company hasn’t so far, let’s start a conversation.

Internal at Canonical

List of Snap Charmed MongoDB

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Charmed MySQL

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