I would like to request for a verified account called ‘Canonical Data Platform’. Based on this post , here are the details needed for this request:
- Start a new post in the forum, using the policy-requests category. In the post, state that you’d like to be a Verified Publisher with the following information:
A list of the snaps that you have, that should have a verified publisher associated with them, see the next post
- The institution, foundation or company that you are a member of or work for.
Canonical Data Platform
- Your role within that institution, foundation or company.
Michelle Anne Tabirao / Data Solutions Product Manager @ Canonical Alex Lutay / Engineering Manager @ Canonical Mykola Marzhan / Engineering Director @ Canonical
- The group email address that should be tied to the Verified Account.
- The way in which your institution has worked, collaborated or partnered with us. If your institution, foundation or company hasn’t so far, let’s start a conversation.
Internal at Canonical