I would like to request for the auto-connection for raw-usb and shared-memory interfaces permissions for: husarion-depthai. This snap operates the ROS driver for a camera connected via USB to the ROSbot XL mobile robot. This is why it requires the raw-usb interface.
As you can see from this forum thread shm-plug <> shm-slot connection should be automatic after the installation. And it was, but in the recent release of the husarion-depthai snap I see, that this interface is not connected after the fresh installation:
The problem here appears when more than one installed snap is providing the same slot (a shared memory slot named shm-slot). In this situation snapd does not know where to plug husarion-depthai:shm-plug.
The best solution here would possibly be to rename the plugs and slots to be unique to the snap (e.g. shm-plug-depthai, shm-slot-depthai).
Alternatively, if and only if the slot is expected to be always connected exclusively by the plug defined in the same snap we could possibly introduce a snap-id constraint in the snap-declarations. However, I’m not sure that’s a pattern we can/want support.