Request: Allow Auto-Connection for husarion-astra (shm and raw-usb)


I would like to request for the autoconnection for raw-usb and shared-memory interfaces permissions for: husarion-astra. This snap operates the ROS driver for a camera connected via USB to the ROSbot 2R mobile robot. This is why it requires the raw-usb interface.

I would need:

1. A “human review” for shm-slot.

That’s 1:1 the same “shm design pattern” as previously granted for rosbot-xl snap:

    interface: shared-memory
    write: ['*'] # paths are relative to /dev/shm

    interface: shared-memory
    shared-memory: shm-slot
    private: false

    command: usr/bin/
    command-chain: [usr/bin/]
    daemon: simple
    install-mode: enable
    plugs: [network, network-bind, shm-plug, raw-usb]
    slots: [shm-slot]
    extensions: [ros2-humble-ros-base]

2. Auto-connection for both shm and raw-usb interfaces:

sudo snap connect husarion-astra:raw-usb
sudo snap connect husarion-astra:shm-plug husarion-rplidar:shm-slot 

Thank you!

Dominik from Husarion

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As fro Request: Allow Auto-Connection for husarion-rplidar (shm and raw-usb), it looks reasonable to me. +1 for auto-connect raw-usb and shared-memory interfaces.

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similarly to the topics 1 and 2, +1 from me as well for auto-connect raw-usb and shared-memory interfaces.

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Publisher is vetted. Updates will be made at the end of the 7-day voting period depending on the voting outcome.

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+1 from me as well for auto-connect of raw-usb and shared-memory interfaces to husarion-astra snap.

3 votes for, 0 against. Fast tracking this request and granting auto-connect of raw-usb and shared-memory interfaces to husarion-astra snap. This is now live.


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@jslarraz , @cav , @sahnaseredini , thank you guys!

I have just published a very similar request but for a different camera model we use with our robots: Request: Allow Auto-Connection for husarion-depthai (shm and raw-usb)

Because you already know why we need those interfaces, can you take a look at this? Thank you so much once again!

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