The way in which your institution has worked, collaborated or partnered with us. If your institution, foundation or company hasn’t so far, let’s start a conversation.
We have been working with Gabriel and Guillaume on this snap release.
Dear @policy-reviewers - this snap has been created with the support of the robotics team at Canonical, working with AWS engineers that made the snap. (Gabriel is the robotics PM, and Guillaume is a robotics engineer at Canonical.)
The announcement of the snap is scheduled for the 3rd of May, and it will be in collaboration with the Linux Foundation (maintainer of O3DE).
For more information about O3DE please visit their webpage:
Thank you for your time reviewing this application - let us know if you have questions.
Hi, I didn’t find any snap developer accounts with Perhaps this account needs to be created/registered first? Once that’s done I can set it to verified, and transfer the o3de snap to it, as it’s currently owned by “Royal Obrien”. Also, please note that the o3de snap is newly registered and has had no uploads made to it.
I also am unable to add that email to the snap package as it responds with “Something went wrong” when updating it.
Listing details for o3de (
It seems that it is not publishing it either, unfortunately.
You can add an email (account) as collaborator by going on the settings page and the click “Manage collaborators in”. If you wish to transfer the ownership of the snap to a new account. You can do so by opening a request on the forum (Here is an example).
I have set the O3DE account as verified and transferred the o3de snap to it. Royal OBrien remains as collaborator and can push and manage releases for the snap.
I know you’re working with Gabriel to get the snap published, I hope we can get that sorted out for you but meanwhile at least the publisher and verification setup should be good to go.