Hello. I’d like to request the verified publisher status for the account omnivector-solutions
- The snaps that should have the verified publisher associated with are:
- vantage-agent
- jobbergate-agent
- license-manager-agent
- I am a member of Omnivector Corp, at which I occupy the role of “Platform Lead Engineer”, whose focus is in software development.
- The emails that should be tied to the verified account are:
- admin@omnivector.solutions
- matheus@omnivector.solutions
- Omnivector has partnered with Canonical in developing Ubuntu in the HPC industry. More specifically, we are the creators of the Slurm Charms; nowadays the project has moved to Charmed HPC. Not only limited to the Slurm charms, we participated in the Ubuntu Summits (2022 and 2023).
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@review-team hey folks, I’d appreciate if we can have move forward with this request.
Thank you very much in advance for your time 
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Hey Matheus, thanks for pushing forward here. Can someone please approve Matheus’s request?
@review-team please give some attention here^
@review-team Has there been any progress on this request yet? Please let us know if there is anything we can do to assist. Thanks!
@policy-reviewers is the group needed to be tagged here.
+1 from me - from what I can see this meets all the requirements of Verified Accounts
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+1 from me as well. I’ve updated the status of the admin@omnivector.solutions
account to “Verified”. However, I couldn’t find a dev account for matheus@omnivector.solutions
. If you create a dev account for that email address, I can mark it as “Verified” as well.
My bad. It is ‘matheustosta66@gmail.com’.
Awesome! Thanks everyone!