Verified Publisher request for Master PDF Editor, Code Industry Ltd

Hello, I would like to request Verified Publisher status for the master-pdf-editor Snapcraft account, on behalf of Code Industry Ltd

  1. Our app master-pdf-editor-5 Install Master PDF Editor 5 on Linux | Snap Store
  2. Code Industry Ltd,
  3. master-pdf-editor-5 snap are building and publishing by Anna Rogozina, QA engineer (it is me, I am an employee of Code Industry)
  5. At the moment, our communication took place only on the forum
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Just to clarify - this request is for the codeindustry publisher account?

+1 from me, this request appears to meet all the requirements of Verified Accounts

Yes, this request is for the codeindustry publisher account

Hi! Can other @policy-reviewers look at this request?

+1 from my side, too. Shall proceed with granting Verified status to this publisher account.

Hi @Anna22,

The codeindustry publisher account is now verified!



It is cool! Thanks a lot!