Track request for `parsec` snap


We’d like to have an new track nightly for our parsec snap (Install parsec on Linux | Snap Store).

Thanks :wink:


I’m a bit confused because I see that there’s also a separate open request by @Firelight about creating the v2 and v3 tracks as well.

Can you please verify that you want all these 3 tracks created?



Hi Odysseus,

Yes we’d like the three tracks, so v2, v3 and nightly (@Firelight is a colleague)

Sorry for the confusion :wink:

No worries and thanks for the reply. So, as per the Process for aliases, auto-connections and tracks 2, we need a 1-week voting/discussion period, so I’ll check back on the discussion and votes in a few days.

I have three questions before casting my vote.

  1. What’s parsec’s release cadence, how often is a new major version (potentially requiring a new track) released? is this documented somewhere by upstream?
  2. Is there some commitment from upstream on maintenance of old versions? e.g. Is v2 still supported with security updates? Will it continue to be supported now that v3 is out, and for how long?
  3. Are new versions backwards-incompatible? Meaning, if I was running v2 and try to install v3, will that just work, or do I need to migrate my data/configuration, or will things break horribly?



  1. Between the first v2 release and the first v3 release the interval span roughly 2 years
  2. Our current commitment it’s to support N and N-1 versions but that applies for minor version. Currently our strategy would be to stop supporting v2 once we fully migrated our clients to v3 and some clients may request to extend to lifetime of v2.
  3. The v2 and v3 are incompatible: The data format + protocols are not the same, it would not explode because we don’t use the same config & data directories but the clients would not be able to access its previous data from the v2 version.

In hope that reply to your questions


Thanks for the answers. I understand your use case and creating these 3 tracks makes sense to me. So, +1 from me as a reviewer. The v2, v3 and nightly tracks have been successfully created.



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