Meeting Summary
Remote Build
- @Saviq raised a bug on launchpad, where snaps fail to build if
- Bug #2077005 “Snap builds: ('<arch>' is not a supported platfor...” : Bugs : Launchpad itself
- @Saviq and @soumyaDghosh discussed compatibility across builds of the mesa-2404 snap. The discussion is continuing in!$_vwok1rwE9bJFHnoOp6lvN6b5xpTnKHyuuLCEE34lTM
dotnet snap
- Themistoklis from SaaS was looking for guidance on a dotnet snap, @lengau volunteered to help
- There is some good information in this presentation: (start at 13:20)
Snapcraft 7 and riscv64
- Discussion on snapcraft 7 failing to build on riscv64
- Created a new issue: Fix Snapcraft 7 builds on riscv64 · Issue #4980 · canonical/snapcraft · GitHub
Kernel plugin, foreign architectures
- There were some changes with the pydantic 2 and craft-parts 2.0 with the plugin properties and using deb architectures
- Waiting on [Investigate] support foreign architectures · Issue #104 · canonical/craft-archives · GitHub
- GitHub - canonical/iot-field-kernel-snap at 24-riscv64-nezha is a good reference for this issue
Organize failures
- @mr_cal needs to see if Organizing files fails if equivalent file already exists · Issue #673 · canonical/craft-parts · GitHub is still occurring since fix(sequencer): rerun steps only if explicitly requested by cmatsuoka · Pull Request #727 · canonical/craft-parts · GitHub has landed
Detecting changes in local sources
- @dilyn brought up that renaming a local file does not trigger a re-pull or a re-build
- We need a good solution for monitoring file changes in local sources
Thanks all for joining, see you next time!