Snap explanation guides

Our explanatory and conceptual guides are written to provide a better understanding of how snap and the snap daemon (snapd) work. They enable you to expand your knowledge and become better at both building snaps and getting the most out of the snap ecosystem.

How snaps work

Understand how snaps update automatically, and use revisions and transactional updates to mange risk and mitigate potential issues.


As you begin to use snaps more, interfaces can be used to carefully permit and limit access to resouces.


Learn about how snaps use standard Linux security policies to isolate themselves from the system, and from each other.

This page is overly repetitive in that the links in the page simply repeat what is already in the navigation menu (and not even all of them). More to the point, the “Managing updates” link points back to an earlier part of the documentation. In cases like this, let the landing page contain just some brief intro material, and let the navigation menu take it from there.

These kinds of pages are necessary to enable us to have links in the higher levels of the foldable navigation. We can always expand or add to them as necessary (suggestions/edits welcome), and they’re also the kinds of pages we’ll need to create for both “Working with snaps” and “Managing snaps” for those to have landing pages you can link to.

Good point about Managing updates - I’ve changed this.

Under “How snaps work”:

  • Revisions: The unique identify for each and every snap version.

I think “identify” should be “identity”

You’re right! Thanks so much for letting us know.

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