Reuqest for mpris and dbus in clapper

Referring to this post, the build took almost an hour.

Also, kindly allow the mpris and dbus connection for clapper.

Hello! The reason releasing the amd64 build failed is due to interface permissions (which I think are mpris and dbus). The reviewers team periodically looks at manual review requests, but maybe let’s bring this to @alexmurray’s attention so he can tell us whether it’s OK to grant those interfaces.

The arm64 and armhf builds failed for a different reason, maybe Stage package not found in part 'gstreamer': libmfx1. (is that package not available for arm64/armhf? can you adjust your build to not require it? in any case, this is a “package can’t build in that architecture” problem that needs to be solved by the maintainer).

I also noticed you have a setuid binary in your package:

unusual mode 'rwsr-xr-x' for entry './usr/libexec/gstreamer-1.0/gst-ptp-helper'

Can this executable be made non-setuid?

  • Daniel

Well, I have noticed everything. My concern only was the build-duration, 1 hour, is a very long period of time, that’s why I thought, that there might be some error.

We are working that part.

That seems to be done by the gstreamer, I didn’t understand that lint message quite well though. Can you explain it to me though a little?

I have granted the dbus and mpris names.

For the unusual mode issue - this means there is a file within the snap - ./usr/libexec/gstreamer-1.0/gst-ptp-helper - that in this case has the set-uid bit set - see for a reasonable explanation - this these allow a snap to trivially run as root they are not allowed by the review-tools unless explicitly granted by an exception. In this case I see no reason why this should be needed so I suggest that you remove this permission during the snap build / stage process with something like:

  override-prime: |
    craftctl default
    chmod u-s $SNAPCRAFT_PRIME/usr/libexec/gstreamer-1.0/gst-ptp-helper

Thank you for the explaination, I’ll look into that.