Request for confinement 'classic' for 'spring-boot-dev' snap


I would like to request confinement ‘classic’ for ‘spring-boot-dev’ snap. It packages command-line Spring Boot development tools (spring-cli and spring-boot-cli) that facilitate creation of new projects, adding dependencies, importing project snippets and generating code. It falls under the category of ‘programming languages/IDE’.

Best Regards, Vladimir.

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@vpa1977 Hello! The official documentation describes spring-boot-dev as a development tool, not an IDE or programming language. Before we continue with the classic request, have you considered an alternative design for your solution so you can still get the benefits of the snap ecosystem under strict confinement? There are some interfaces like home, personal-files, and system-files interfaces that maybe help you achieve that. Thanks!


The use case is to use the CLI tool in conjunction with IDE. A user runs it inside a terminal window within the project. The spring-cli requires access to the project files. spring-cli snap with strict confinement won’t be able to access project files outside the home directory. The same applies to the local maven repository, project classpath.

The snap will need access to the same resources that IDE has access to within the project.

spring-cli can use strict and home|personal-files interfaces so that snap can access only the user’s home and a standard .m2 directory, but this will limit the usability of the supplied tools.

Best Regards, Vladimir.

Hi Vladimir,

For a bit of extra context, is the idea that spring-boot-dev uses/interacts with the existing java, maven, etc on the users machine? or are they meant to be shipped upon installation?

hey @vpa1977 , ping, can you please provide the requested information? Thanks

Hi @cav, @sahnaseredini !

I apologise for missing the post!

Yes, the snap should make use of existing toolchains present on the machine.

Best Regards, Vladimir.

Requirements for classic are understood and the publisher is vetted. Granting use of classic confinement to spring-boot-dev snap. This is now live