I would like to request confinement ‘classic’ for ‘devpack-for-spring’ snap. This snap is a rename of ‘spring-boot-dev’[1] snap that has classic confinement. I am renaming the snap to comply with Spring trademark policy[2] that requires Spring word to be used as “Something for Spring” rather than “Spring Something” and explicitly prohibits naming products like ‘SpringDB’.
It packages command-line Spring Boot development tools (spring-cli and spring-boot-cli) that facilitate creation of new projects, adding dependencies, importing project snippets and generating code. It falls under the category of ‘programming languages/IDE’.
The use case is to use the CLI tool in conjunction with IDE. A user runs it inside a terminal window within the project. The spring-cli requires access to the project files. spring-cli snap with strict confinement won’t be able to access project files outside the home directory. The same applies to the local maven repository, project classpath.
The snap will need access to the same resources that IDE has access to within the project.
spring-cli can use strict and home|personal-files interfaces so that snap can access only the user’s home and a standard .m2 directory, but this will limit the usability of the supplied tools.
I have checked documentation and afaik there is no way to rename the snap. It is possible to rename the title, but all the documentation will contain ‘spring-something’ in the instructions which is forbidden.
I am afraid, snaps cannot be renamed. You would have to register the new, corrected name and upload your current build to it (you also need to change the name in your snapcraft.yaml so the snap builds with the proper name).
Once the above is done, we can revoke the old name.
Of course, any images built using the old snap will need to be updated so they build with the new one. Also, if the old snap has any snap-declaration, plug or interface configurations, we need to migrate them to the new snap.
We would suggest the following sequence:
1- Register, build and upload a new snap
2- Let us know so we can review and copy interface configurations and look for possible references to the old snap id in gadget snap configurations.
3- Once we’re done please ensure the new snap works as intended including rebuilding images that use it.
4- Once it’s all working as intended, let us know and I can revoke/remove the old snap.
I am on step 2 at the moment - I have uploaded snaps under new names ‘devpack-for-spring’, ‘content-for-spring-framework-61’, ’ content-for-spring-boot-runtime-33’ and waiting for review to enable classic for ‘devpack-for-spring’.