Process for reviewing classic confinement snaps

Sometimes publishers request the use of classic for so-called ‘installer snaps’. One particular variant of installer snap is one that provides a frontend for manipulating traditional distro packaging repositories and software installation and removal which may or may not also include installing snaps.

In addition to the normal criteria outlined above, the following criteria should also be met when considering this variant of installer snap:

  • Is the snap an image frontend for applications (meaning it is being shipped in the image itself by the image builders)?
  • Does the the particular image (the Linux distribution or flavor) have a visible community behind it that would justify the snap to be publicly available?
  • Does the snap name, summary, and description clearly describe the use case, so people wouldn’t risk installing it without intending to? (for example, <distro name>-...-welcome, etc. Eg, ubuntu-mate-welcome)

Note that some ‘installer snaps’ (eg, gnome-software and software-boutique) are not distro-specific (eg, they work with any number of package backends) and therefore may not be required to be prefixed with <distro>-. These will be evaluated case by case using the above criteria as a starting point.
