I have created an application which is trying to use “/dev/ttyS1” serial interface. I have read from interface documentation regarding the use of serial-port interface.
Serial-port : Can access serial ports. This is restricted because it provides privileged
access to configure serial port hardware
However I have also read that in order to use serial interface one need to modify gadget snap to include the serial-port interface. I also modified my gadget snap to create [serial-port] slot.
Now Ubuntu core image was created successfully and system was able to come up. After booting I checked the “syslog” and snap changes I am getting below error.
Aug 4 05:34:18 localhost /usr/lib/snapd/snapd[1088]: task.go:303: DEBUG: 2017-08-04T05:34:18Z ERROR cannot deliver device serial request: Cannot process serial request for device with brand “JBnNNIwM0UkIctEoX5NQZYvef4rFeUc2”, store can sign serial only for brand "canonical"
Snap changes output:
root@localhost:~# snap change 11
Status Spawn Ready Summary
Done 2017-08-04T05:39:18Z 2017-08-04T05:39:21Z Generate device key
Error 2017-08-04T05:39:18Z 2017-08-04T05:39:21Z Request device serial
Request device serial
2017-08-04T05:39:21Z ERROR cannot deliver device serial request: Cannot process serial request for device with brand “JBnNNIwM0UkIctEoX5NQZYvef4rFeUc2”, store can sign serial only for brand "canonical"
Any help here would be appreciated. It seems that I am missing something while modifying gadget image.
When you make your own gadget you need to use your own brand and you are now responsible for running a serial vault. I think @pedronis can explain this in detail.
while it looks scary, generating a serial number for the device isnt mandatory for the function of your serial interface (they are completely distinct things) …
where exactly did you add the new slot in your gadget snap (should be in snapcraft.yaml, not gadget.yaml)
do you see olimex-serial in snap interfaces on the booted board ?
did you make sure to connect your snaps serial plug to it using snap connect ?
Last time I did this, snapd silently enforced a specific pattern on the path parameter there, and you’re not matching it. Perhaps that’s related? More details in this post.
well, the serial port in that other post is a usb dongle which will actually generate a udev rule and a new device node … using an existing serial device from the gadget like above should work via /dev/ttyS1 …
From syslog output I am again getting below messages. I am curious to know whether this error is acceptable or I have made mistake somewhere.
2017-08-08T06:11:28Z ERROR cannot deliver device serial request: Cannot process serial request for device with brand “JBnNNIwM0UkIctEoX5NQZYvef4rFeUc2”, store can sign serial only for brand “canonical”
This error is from snapd trying to generate a serial number for your device (which it only does for canonical-blessed images), the text should probably say something like:
“Cannot process serial number request…”
…to make the message more clear, it is not related to your interface at all.
@niemeyer or @pedronis could we change this string a little, this is not the first time this confusion happens.
we plan to make it go away actually, you will always get a serial, although for a full commercial setup with a brand store will recommend a vault anyway
if you read the thread above carefully, it was obviously working (the OP did mis-take the serial number generation as being related to the serial interface, which it is not).
does your gadget snap have the proper interface definition and did you connect your application snap interface to the gadget snap interface ?
@ ogra
I don’t know about the gadget.yaml. can you please tell me how to create the gadget for serial-port interface.
I create the snapcraft.yaml file with the serial-port interface and slots with 4 serial port.
Now what I need to do for create gadget. Can you please explaine this?
serial interfaces are not provided by the core snap but need to be defined in a gadget snap for your UbuntuCore installation (i do not know how you would do it on a classic install but i think there is a way to create a “fake gadget” for classic, perhaps @kyrofa can point something out here) gadget snaps are described in the doc section of this forum:
oh, right, i think i mixed up model assertions and gadgets (iirc there was some kind of “fake assertion” used for seeding snaps in classic images in 18.04)