Interface auto-connection request for the gallery-dl snap

Dear @reviewers, I would like to request the following interface auto-connection for according to the process for aliases, auto-connections and tracks.

Interface Reasoning
For read-only access to the $HOME/.config/gallery-dl directory and the $HOME/.gallery-dl.conf file
This is the user configuration directory and file of gallery-dl (source)
For read-only access to the /etc/gallery-dl.conf file
This is the system-wide configuration file of gallery-dl (source)

+1 for read-only access.

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@reviewers - can one/all of you cast your vote?

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+1 for read-only access to these paths from me as well

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I would like to request a continuation of the request process.

2 votes for, 0 against for use of and auto-connecting readonly access for $HOME/.config/gallery-dl, $HOME/.gallery-dl.conf and /etc/gallery-dl.conf. This is now live.

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