Interface auto-connect request for the redis-desktop-manager snap (personal-files)

Dear @reviewers, I would like to request the following interface auto-connections for according to the process for aliases, auto-connections and tracks.

Interface Name Reasoning
read access
RDM needs access to this directory to allow user import his/her connections from non-snap installation

Thanks in advance!

I believe that is not the intended purpose of the personal-files interface, have you checked out and ?


@Lin-Buo-Ren You are right, I need only read access to $HOME/.rdm (the first message was updated)

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+1 to use and auto-connect the interface.

@reviewers - can some of you vote on this?

+1, great use of personal-files and it’s very narrowly scoped to the .rdm directory which is well-known and related to redis-desktop-manager. Makes it safe enough for auto-connection.

  • Daniel
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+1 from me for the use of personal-files.

3 votes for, 0 against. Granting use of personal-files with read-only access to $HOME/.rdm to this snap, with auto-connection using dot-rdm as the interface reference. This is now live.

Please feel free to adjust your snap to use:

    interface: personal-files
    - $HOME/.rdm
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