How snapd connect with snap store

Hello Team,

I am new in this technology, need your help in order to understand that how snapd will become to know that which snap store it is going to connect.
Is there is any specific snap store address, mention in snapd source code which will tried to connect with the specify store .
Appreciate your support here!!


Pretty sure it’s this part of the snapd source. However, the url is also mentioned elsewhere.

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Thanks @popey for your quick reply.
What if some one need to change in this code, as per my understating snapd is a part of a core snap which will pull from the store during the first boot of the device with local gadget and kernel snap.
Appreciate your support here.

What’s the goal by changing it?

Actually I tried to create a local server for our local dev team, for that i need to add locally created rest API to the snapd to monitor the snap locally.

Maybe you need Announcing Snap Store Proxy Beta then?