Gedit: How do I allow gedit to save files in my non-standard home folders and elsewhere?

The gedit snap is able to save files to some of my home folders — but not all of them, e.g. ~/bin and ~/insurance. I can’t even edit standard items in my home folder, such as ~/.bashrc and ~/.profile.

In addition, I can’t edit system files, e.g. sudo -H gedit /etc/fstab.

This is extremely limiting.

I have been searching for hours to try to understand how to give permission to gedit for all of my folders, but I can’t find anything — at least, anything that I can understand.

Snap refuses to install gedit in classic mode:

$ snap install --classic gedit
Warning: flag --classic ignored for strictly confined snap gedit

I’ve been looking at connections, but I can’t understand them. Here are the ones for gedit:

$ snap connections gedit
Interface                 Plug                   Slot                             Notes
avahi-observe             gedit:avahi-observe    -                                -
content[gnome-3-28-1804]  gedit:gnome-3-28-1804  gnome-3-28-1804:gnome-3-28-1804  -
content[gtk-3-themes]     gedit:gtk-3-themes     gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes   -
content[icon-themes]      gedit:icon-themes      gtk-common-themes:icon-themes    -
content[sound-themes]     gedit:sound-themes     gtk-common-themes:sound-themes   -
cups-control              gedit:cups-control     :cups-control                    -
dbus                      -                      gedit:gedit                      -
desktop                   gedit:desktop          :desktop                         -
desktop-legacy            gedit:desktop-legacy   :desktop-legacy                  -
gsettings                 gedit:gsettings        :gsettings                       -
home                      gedit:home             :home                            -
mount-observe             gedit:mount-observe    -                                -
network                   gedit:network          :network                         -
removable-media           gedit:removable-media  -                                -
wayland                   gedit:wayland          :wayland                         -
x11                       gedit:x11              :x11                             -

I could just install the standard non-snap gedit, whether from the standard repositories or a flatpak, but they both have a bug that the snap version doesn’t have.

How do I allow snap gedit to access all of my folders, please?

there is a contact link on

where you should be able to ask the packagers for switching the package to classic confinement.

Thank you, @ogra. I have posted a bug request.