Firefox - removable-media interface auto connect request

I tried to upload a photo from a CD (yes, a CD) to social media today, and it failed because Firefox doesn’t have removable-media auto-connected in the store. I used snap connect firefox:removable-media and tried again, and it worked (without a browser restart - yay).

Can we please have a store assertion for Firefox, so it auto-connects?

/cc @willcooke @kenvandine @JohanLorenzo

Ah, thanks for requesting this!

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This has my vote and this is a verbose message because gee, forum doesn’t like a short


Thanks for filing this issue! Per, this should be fixed on the beta track. Could tell me whether it’s the case for you @popey ? If so, this will be on the release track by the end of the month.

I’m running the stable release of firefox (60.0.2-1) which seems to already have removable-media specified, but it’s not an auto-connecting interface. Once you (as a user) manually connect it, everything is fab and groovy. This forum post is to ask the snap store team to auto-connect it, so users don’t have to. That’s all :slight_smile:

Ah yeah, that’s correct. I read the times wrong on the bugzilla bug. Thank you for the clarification :slight_smile:

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I have mixed feelings about the auto-connection. I understand the use case, but it also doesn’t seem unreasonable for the interface to be manually connected. IIRC, firefox uses gtk3 on Linux; does that mean it can be made to work with portals?

Ping (I’m waiting to vote based on this)

Ping @kenvandine / @jamesh for that question I think.

In the long run, portals would be the answer. I don’t think we’ve yet got everything in place so that Mozilla could rely on portals being available though: we don’t have the host side packages backported to 16.04 yet, and they aren’t installed by default on 18.04.

So I’m not sure if that’s enough to reject the request if it is causing pain right now.

I’m ambivalent about granting this and would like to hear other’s views before voting. @reviewers - can some of you vote on this?

I can’t pretend that requiring a user to know about and know how to connect an interface in order to do something is ideal, but I don’t think that’s a reason to start automatically connecting interfaces for everyone, particularly given that we’re moving towards portals. I’m a -1 on this.

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-1 for auto-connection at this time. If there is an influx of bug reports on this, we can revisit.

0 votes for, 2 against. Not granting the auto-connection.


I vote for auto-connection ! :slight_smile: I installed a new firefox recently, and now I see why I have this issue, because of this snap thing - and I cannot solve this issue with the

this works only if my disk is on /media ? mine is on /mnt


support for /mnt is in the process of being added to the removable-media interface, but not sure it has landed in the stable channel yet … you might want to test the core snap from edge (with the right amount of caution when using an edge snap indeed)

thanks for reply !
ACtually this problem (cannot upload from firefox…) has been solved few days ago, I didn’t do anything though, I guess there has been a fix in some ubuntu update (?)

After several discussions between snapd architects, security, advocacy and other reviewers, we’ve updated our removable-media criteria in our processes.

Applying the new criteria to this request, firefox is a major browser from an official publisher. Granting auto-connection. This is now live.