Cannot run snaps

When I try to run snaps from the start menu of KDE, nothing happens. When I try to run it on the command line by typing snap run notion-snap-reborn it gives out an error

update.go:85: cannot change mount namespace according to change mount (/run/user/1000/doc/by-app/snap.notion-snap-reborn /run/user/1000/doc none bind,rw,x-snapd.ignore-missing 0 0): permission denied /snap/notion-snap-reborn/4/notion-snap-reborn: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

System information:


OS: openSUSE Tumbleweed 20230616 n/a Arch: x86_64 Kernel: 6.3.7-1-default Desktop: KDE Display Server: wayland


Vendor: GenuineIntel Model: IntelĀ® Coreā„¢ i3-7020U CPU @ 2.30GHz Physical cores: 2 Logical cores: 4


RAM: 7.5 GB Swap: 7.5 GB


Vendor: Intel OpenGL Renderer: Mesa IntelĀ® HD Graphics 620 (KBL GT2F) OpenGL Version: 4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 23.1.2 OpenGL Core: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.1.2 OpenGL ES: OpenGL ES unavailable Vulkan Version: 1.3.250 Vulkan Drivers: IntelĀ® HD Graphics 620 (KBL GT2F) (1.3.246)

See openSUSE, apparmor 3.1.5 and kernel 6.3.7 issues

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