Auto connection request for wine-platform v6 snaps

Requesting global auto connections of as per following thread.

  • wine-6-stable (wine-platform-6-stable snap)
  • wine-6-devel (wine-platform-6-devel snap)
  • wine-6-staging (wine-platform-6-staging snap)

Hey @mmtrt, apologize for the delay.

+1 from me for global auto-connect for wine-platform-6-(stable|devel|staging) since there is an extensive explanation in the linked thread.

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+1 from me too as per the previous discussions for v5 etc.

+2 votes for, 0 votes against, global auto-connect granted for the wine-6-XXXX content slots of the wine-platform-6-XXXX snaps respectively.

This is now live.

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