+1 from me for these - they are all required for standard functionality of android-platform-tools and would not be surprising for users that they are auto-connected.
I agree with @alexmurray, the requested interfaces makes sense for the snap functionality. Thus +1 from me too.
The only issue I can foresee is that granting some of those interfaces requires of publisher vetting. Could please confirm if you are a member of the android-tools upstream project?
@alexmurray could you please confirm if removable-media is the only requested interface that requires of publisher vetting?
If that’s the case, maybe granting auto-connection to the other interfaces and relying on the user to manually connect removable-media will be the appropriate solution, especially considering that not all users will use removable-media.
Yes, as per Process for aliases, auto-connections and tracks, auto-connect of removable-media would be the only interface that triggers publisher vetting - as such, auto-connect of the other interfaces with manual connection of removable-media seems appropriate in this case.
+2 for, 0 against granting android-platform-tools auto-connection to adb-support and raw-usb, This is now live.
networkand network-bind should not require any additional permission to auto-connect.
removable-media auto-connection cannot be granted for the said reasons. You could detect if the interface is connected and prompt the user to manually connect it if not.