Why is review taking so long?

Yesterday I published my first snap and it went live almost immediately. Then I pushed revision 2 and now it has been in “Automated review not yet completed.” state since yesterday. Is this normal or is it stuck somehow?

Could you let us know which snap?

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The app is “heimer”. I just checked and revision #2 still not published.

Hmm, looks like something got stuck in the pipes, so I manually kicked off a re-review for your snap. Looks like it went through this time.

The status in the dashboard is still “Manual review pending”. I tested and I think the revision #1 got installed because the app doesn’t start. I added X11 to the plugs in revision #2:

installed: 1.0.0 (1) 82MB -

I assume that (1) means revision 1.

If you added x11 there is most likely a review warning about a missing .desktop file that will block the review… (in case thats true, to overcome that you need to add some .desktop file and icon in snap/gui/ of your source)

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Ok, but in that case that should be a “fail” not a “warning”. The dashboard shows 0 fails. The warning is there, however.

Both warnings and errors trigger a manual review. Please add a desktop file and reupload.


Yes, will do. Thanks!