Yesterday I published my first snap and it went live almost immediately. Then I pushed revision 2 and now it has been in “Automated review not yet completed.” state since yesterday. Is this normal or is it stuck somehow?
Could you let us know which snap?
The app is “heimer”. I just checked and revision #2 still not published.
Hmm, looks like something got stuck in the pipes, so I manually kicked off a re-review for your snap. Looks like it went through this time.
The status in the dashboard is still “Manual review pending”. I tested and I think the revision #1 got installed because the app doesn’t start. I added X11 to the plugs in revision #2:
installed: 1.0.0 (1) 82MB -
I assume that (1) means revision 1.
If you added x11 there is most likely a review warning about a missing .desktop file that will block the review… (in case thats true, to overcome that you need to add some .desktop file and icon in snap/gui/ of your source)
Ok, but in that case that should be a “fail” not a “warning”. The dashboard shows 0 fails. The warning is there, however.
Both warnings and errors trigger a manual review. Please add a desktop file and reupload.
Yes, will do. Thanks!