What's the point of parts.<appname>.parse-info?


I have an appdata.xml file which contains a summary, description, version info, screenshots and so on. In my snapcraft.yaml file, I reference the appdata.xml file. But only the version string is extracted. Description, summary, etc are still not used. So what’s the benefit of using parse-info?


        parse-info: [usr/share/metainfo/com.sayonara-player.Sayonara.appdata.xml]

full version available here: https://gitlab.com/luciocarreras/sayonara-player/-/blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Copyright 2015 Martin Gansser <martinkg@fedoraproject.org> -->
<!-- Check this file with appstream-util validate com.sayonara-player.Sayonara.appdata.xml -->
	<component type="desktop">
		<launchable type="desktop-id">com.sayonara-player.Sayonara.desktop</launchable>
		<developer_name>Michael Lugmair</developer_name>
		<summary>A fast and powerful audio player and library manager</summary>
			<release version="@SAYONARA_VERSION@" date="2022-01-01">
				<description>See release notes on https://sayonara-player.com/changelog</description>
					<issue url="https://gitlab.com/luciocarreras/sayonara-player">Search or file in issue reports at Gitlab</issue>
		<content_rating type="oars-1.0" />
			<p>Sayonara's goals are intuitive usability, speed and low resource consumption.</p>
			<p>It holds a lot of features like many supported music and playlist formats, optional but powerful media library organized as cover, directory or table view, tabbed playlists and a lot of plugins. For managing your audio files, Sayonara also holds a sophisticated metadata/tag editor.</p>
			<p>It's also possible to manage your web radio and podcasts.</p>
			<p>Info for snap users: There is currently a snap-related issue regarding the directory chooser. So the native directory dialog has been disabled for snap packages because of issues with KDE. If you want to use a native dialog, you can set it in the settings menu Force native dialogs.</p>
			<screenshot type="default">
		<url type="homepage">https://sayonara-player.com</url>
		<url type="bugtracker">https://gitlab.com/luciocarreras/sayonara-player</url>
		<url type="translate">https://www.transifex.com/sayonara/sayonara-player</url>
		<url type="donation">https://sayonara-player.com/donations.php</url>

Thank you in advance.


Hi Michael,

I tried to reproduce it, I built your master branch of Sayonara and got a nice resulting snap with the description from your appdata xml.

I also ran your xml straight through parse-info (appstream.py from snapcraft) and it extracts all the info correctly. So I don’t know where you see this “not used” behaviour? Could you tell me in more detail what you see?

Kind regards,


Hello Brecht,

thanks for the reply. I am checking it in the Ubuntu Jammy Snap store. But I can only see the information I specified on the snapcraft.io webpage. May I ask you where you can see the description?

Hi, @SayonaraMichael,

You can set your public Snap Store listing to automatically update the description when you upload a new revision by navigating to https://snapcraft.io/<your-snap-name>/settings and toggle the option on that page labelled “Update metadata on release”:

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Hi @lucyllewy,

thanks for the hint. I will see as soon as I promote to the stable version.

Still a little bit nervous about publishing. :slightly_smiling_face:

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