Hey all, I’m installing android-studio snap from the store and download speed seems to be from 100kB/s to 129kB/s which means I’ll be waiting for it to download for 2h30m as per the snapd estimation.
My network speed is 32.60Mb/s down and 10.53Mb/s up and I’ve disconnected all other devices, don’t have any torrents running or anything else. I’m located in Croatia and my ISP is Hrvatski Telekom but I don’t think this is ISP related issue.
Should this download be taking so long? Does the store limits upload speed to something like 130kB/s?
Ok, weird. It seems to be my machine. I’ve tried installing libreoffice from my laptop and I got ~4MB/s down.
I’ve now switched on my desktop from wired connection to WiFi and I get ~750kB/s down and rising.
the only thing that I can think of is that on the problematic (desktop) machine I’m running the GA kernel on Ubuntu 20.04 as opposed to HWE kernel that Ubuntu now defaulted for 20.04 which I’m running on my laptop.
Although I know it’s anecdotal data at best, fwiw I have been having issues with download speeds from the CDN’s the past few days.
In some cases, the download literally will not start, other times, it will only get 1mbps on a connection that is capable of getting 220mbps download.
It legitimately faster for me to hit control-c and keep retrying the download until it hits an end point that saturates the connection, unless it’s in snapcraft itself, where the slower than usual downloads are actually becoming a significant portion of build time for me locally (I.E, downloading core20/gnome-extensions in the LXD container).
Again, I know it’s anecdotal, but I do think there’s something widespread.
(Using Virgin Media in the UK)
The power management was on. Idk why it affected the wired speed too but it did.
I edited /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf and changed the number from 3 to 2 to disable it.