Wekan Snap build failed: DEPRECATED: The 'prepare' keyword has been replaced by 'override-build'

I have this snapcraft.yaml:

I did try to make Wekan release, and got errors in todays’s snap build log:

That log has links that go to 404 pages:

DEPRECATED: The ‘prepare’ keyword has been replaced by ‘override-build’
See http://snapcraft.io/docs/deprecation-notices/dn7 for more information.
DEPRECATED: The ‘build’ keyword has been replaced by ‘override-build’
See http://snapcraft.io/docs/deprecation-notices/dn8 for more information.
DEPRECATED: The ‘install’ keyword has been replaced by ‘override-build’
See http://snapcraft.io/docs/deprecation-notices/dn9 for more information.

Are these really deprecated? Or how to fix snapcraft.yaml ?

I do also have GitHub issue about this:

I replied in the issue, but I’ll also reply here:

These are indeed deprecated, but looks like we missed a docs deploy, sorry about that! While we fix that, you can read the deprecation notices here. Note however that these aren’t errors, just warnings, and this isn’t something we intend to break anytime soon, just want to suggest people eventually move to the “new” way of doing things. Looks like your build failed with a proxy error.