"Waiting for conflicting change in progress..." when uninstalling multiple snaps

I was looking through my installed snaps, and realised that I no longer needed anbox or canonical-livepatch installed, so I decided to remove them:

$ snap remove anbox canonical-livepatch
2018-12-03T19:13:24Z INFO Waiting for conflicting change in progress...
2018-12-03T19:13:30Z INFO Waiting for conflicting change in progress...
2018-12-03T19:13:35Z INFO Waiting for conflicting change in progress...
2018-12-03T19:13:41Z INFO Waiting for conflicting change in progress...
2018-12-03T19:13:46Z INFO Waiting for conflicting change in progress...
anbox removed
canonical-livepatch removed

These conflicting change messages are output at seemingly arbitrary points during the 50 seconds that this command took to run, without any explanation interleaved. Given that everything eventually succeeded, are these messages that an end user actually needs to see?

I’ve filed this in Launchpad as https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1808048