Waiting for builds... with Github

Hi, I’ve been experiencing issues with my building process of my app from github since three days, its so annoying and I’ve even tried restarting the build but it did not help. Any help would be appreciated.

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having the same issue on Install Coder on Linux | Snap Store

Yeah, I had a remote build I started on Friday, and by Monday it was still chugging away - waiting for one of the architecture builders. Unfortunately I had to kill it, as there was no hope it would ever complete having been sat there for four days.

That meant I lost the logs and binaries that were built.

(unless I grubbed around in launchpad web UI like some kind of animal)

I am now inlcining towards building within GitHub actions, although it would have been great if Snapcraft could build. It looks like Canonical is not serious about snaps. Most of the docs are also fragmented and outdated.

I wouldn’t go that far. If you find any outdated docs, feel free to point them out. I know there’s a concerted effort to update many of the docs, and there’s a team responsible for them. There’s a lot of docs though.

I do use the github action to build in a container in GitHub sometimes.

I mean, use the free service Canonical provides, or the free service GitHub provides. Whichever works best :man_shrugging:

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Yesterday my snap building was triggered by source update on github. All (there were even archs that not listed in snapcraft.yaml) of them are failed, I’ve blamed for that a shortening in yaml manifest for core24 base like platforms: { amd64, arm64, armhf }. Now I’m not sure, anyway hope it’s a temporary thing.