Victoriametrics (by f41gh7) has wrong amd64 build in all architects (arm64, ppc64el and amd64)

Hi there, I’ve been trying to install victoriametrics snap on raspberry pi, running debian and the thing did not start. Checking the installed binary showed it is for x86_64 architecture. I’ve found that all channels/architectures have the same snap file:

$ curl -s -H "Snap-Device-Series: 16" "" | jq '."channel-map"[]|.download.url'
curl -s -H "Snap-Device-Series: 16" "" | jq '."channel-map"[]|.channel.architecture'

And in that snap file there is only one x86_64 binary:

find /mnt/ -type f -exec file {} ';'
/mnt/bin/victoria-metrics: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, Go BuildID=S-sJXy6KgHUD7X9pOrhu/wNM6MTdJ_Wm5jm2czrg_/vdynTjZdUiOvttwSiLWd/WUP-YRCmn-_6E805wq7O, BuildID[sha1]=2051b8b31a0d0e72f4ec268ac7eccab5d2b6f262, with debug_info, not stripped
/mnt/bin/victoriametrics-wrapper: Bourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executable
/mnt/meta/gui/icon.png: PNG image data, 960 x 400, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
/mnt/meta/snap.yaml: ASCII text
/mnt/snap/command-chain/snapcraft-runner: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable