Verified Publisher request for Insco Ltd


we would like to verify our account for the Insco Ltd

A list of the snaps that you have, that should have a verified publisher associated with them.

The institution, foundation or company that you are a member of or work for.

Insco Ltd is a startup based in China that develops apps and games.

Your role within that institution, foundation or company.

Co-founder for Insco Ltd

The group email address that should be tied to the Verified Account.

The way in which your institution has worked, collaborated or partnered with us. If your institution, foundation or company hasn’t so far, let’s start a conversation.

We just recently started our development of our Artify and would like to use Snapcraft for distribution to easily provide access for our end customers.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Thanks for submitting your request - the email address you mention seems to be an address of an individual rather than a group - would it be possible to use something like or similar instead?

New email address: