Verified Account Request

Hi there,

I would like to request verified account status. Please see my info below:

  • A list of the snaps that you have, that should have a verified publisher associated with them.

    • Our registered snaps are:
      • sponge-controller (private and unlisted)
      • sponge-remote-access (private and unlisted)
      • sponge-dashboard (we don’t have anything published here yet, but we have this reserved for a future customer facing project)
  • The institution, foundation or company that you are a member of or work for.

    • I work for Sponge Microgrids. We make control software for microgrids.
  • Your role within that institution, foundation or company.

    • CTO
  • The group email address that should be tied to the Verified Account.

  • The way in which your institution has worked, collaborated or partnered with us. If your institution, foundation or company hasn’t so far, let’s start a conversation.

    • We use Ubuntu and the snap ecosystem. We have opened the occasional bug against some Canonical projects, but we haven’t collaborated otherwise.

Thanks for your time and consideration,
