Verified Account for eProsima Vulcanexus

Hi community!

I would like to request the Verified Publisher status for the eProsima Vulcanexus account.

  1. List of eProsima Vulcanexus snaps that should have a verified publisher associated with them a) vulcanexus-shapes-demo b) vulcanexus-micro-ros-agent c) vulcanexus-router d) vulcanexus-discovery-server e) vulcanexus-ddsrecordreplay f) vulcanexus-monitor g) vulcanexus-fastddsspy

  2. The institution, foundation or company that you are a member of or work for - eProsima, the company expert in DDS behind Vulcanexus, the All-in-One ROS 2 tool set that provides an open source software stack with top elements to guarantee optimized robot development.

  3. Role within that institution, foundation or company - My name is Daniel Cabezas and I’m Product Marketing Manager at eProsima.

  4. Group email address that should be tied to the Verified Account -

  5. Way in which your institution has worked, collaborated or partnered with Snapcraft - We published our first snap back in 2021, and we’re currently increasing our presence in the platform with more snaps from our Vulcanexus solution. We were approach by Canonical members of the snapcraft team in order to partner together and publish and article and also we were encourage to pursue the verification for our account.

If you need any further info from our side for the process do not hesitate to let us know.

Thanks and best regards!

Hi there!

Thank you for your application and apologies for the delay in responding.

I have a question, is the email address supplied one that can be accessed by many people? It looks like it’s for an individual.

When a group email alias is provided, I give my +1.

Many thanks! Holly