Continuing the discussion from Configuration options for core snap:
@anewman Alex, as you know I’ve been experimenting with different ways of producing documentation for snapd for some time now, because the documentation we expose so far is neither broad enough, nor deep enough, nor up-to-date enough. Please don’t take that personally, though. Indeed I consider that my own fault for not having managed to establish a process so far that works for the team and produces the desired outcome.
At the same time, what you see in that thread is us trying to solve that exact problem, so please bear with me. We have many eyes on this space, a very good conversation system to exchange ideas, cheap and opportunistic edits by anyone, track record for who changed what when, and a very good history overview. This is a great place for people to learn from and for us to evolve documentation.
This won’t replace, since there’s definitely a place for more structured and professionally designed on-boarding information. That said, the content in that topic is a great fit to remain here, and I would recommend changing itself to point here instead, for the reasons above.