Using snap on Windows Server 2012 R2


I need some help and directions. We are looking into Rocket Chat and would like to test it out on our server. Alas, we saw that there currently isn’t any installer available for Windows Server 2012 R2 - so we figured why not try snap - but, it is linux based.

Is there some way for us to use snaps and the provided rocket chat tar file on the rocketchat website on our Windows Server and enable it to run? If so, is there some kind of guide that can help us? We can’t really switch our server entirely from Windows to Linux at the moment, but would like to, if able, have linux somehow run virtually just and only to enable us to install and test out rocket chat.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.

To use on your Windows Server system you will need to install a Hypervisor. Windows Server 2012 supports a feature called Hyper-V, which can be installed via the server management interface. Once you’ve got Hyper-V installed and have rebooted, you’ll be able to add a Virtual Machine using the newly available “Hyper-V Manager” administration utility. You will want to use that to install an Ubuntu Server 16.04 (ideally) VM and then use the provided command-line utility within the VM to install the rocket chat server into Ubuntu:

sudo snap install rocketchat-server

Obviously as this is Linux-focused technology a lot of the implementation relies on features only found in the Linux kernel. This means that you need to use a Virtual Machine via Hyper-V or another “Hypervisor” (thereby allowing you to run Windows and Linux simultaneously, which is the most practical solution) or install a Linux distribution onto your system directly (which would mean you’d have to replace your Windows, which is probably really not what you want to do but I’ve included it here for completeness).

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Windows/SnapD is not available together. From reading this thread it seems like one of the roadblocks is that the WSL does not support systemd.

Pretty sure this is not possible.

If you are testing, why not just spin up a digital ocean droplet, test and shutdown if you are not going to use it. Pay for what you use (hourly I believe).

The reality is that You would need to either run it on Linux, or run a Linux guest in a hypervisor.