Upower snap deprecation

This is a notice that the snap ‘upower’ is about to be deprecated. The reasoning for this is that this snap was originally created for commercial usage, however is not actually being widely used.

The snap source code is available here:


If anyone is interested in taking over maintenance of this snap, please respond to this post and we can discuss a name transfer, otherwise this snap will be unpublished soon.


I have an custom snap relying on the UPower interface for querying battery and power state through d-bus. Previously I’ve included the upower snap with other requirements in a custom image for the specific device/purpose.

What is the preferred way for a general snap to read the battery/power status when the UPower snap is gone?

Can I find the latest upower-xyz.snap file in some archive, to include in my custom image? I’ve tried building the upower snap myself from the latest commit, but got stuck at some UMockdev python issues.


You can find the last few builds of the snap in Launchpad here:

I’m not sure what the suggested upgrade path is.

Thanks James,

I ended up reading the status directly from /sys/class/power_supply/BATxxx/ instead of relying on upower.