"Update available" with no information about the update status

Hello, I’m using Kubuntu with the Firefox Snap. I always get the notification of an “update available” while I’m using Firefox. The notification asks to close the app to apply the update, which is fine.

When I close Firefox I have absolutely no idea of what the snapd is doing. I leave it closed for few minutes and I don’t even know if it’s updating. When I re-open the app after a random time, I often get the same notification again… I usually force the update using the terminal.

My questions are two:

  1. Is there any daemon that monitors when I close the firefox app and starts the update? If yes, why I often get the “update available” notification again when I restart Firefox?

  2. Can you consider some kind of progress bar to show what’s going on? Or another notification for the “Snap updates started” and “Snap updates finished”.

I think this behaviour is pretty annoying because I don’t know how long the update runs and I don’t know when I can reopen Firefox.



Yes, snapd monitors when running snaps are closed and starts the update. There is tracked bug where if the running snap is restarted quickly, the initiated update will fail and you will see the “update available” notification again because the snap didn’t really update. If you close firefox, wait a few seconds and restart, it should work as expected.

Regarding the progress UI, I believe @SergioCostas can give a better answer than me.


Someone invoked me? :smiley:

Check Ubuntu Desktop’s 24.10 Dev Cycle - Part 3: July Update - Desktop - Ubuntu Community Hub

Hello, thanks both for the reply.

@zeyad.gouda I waited about a minute, but Firefox didn’t update. I suppose snapd hasn’t completed the download and the update in that minute, but this is not a big issue (see below)

@SergioCostas I read the new Snap management in the linked blog post and that’s exactly what I wanted! Really cool. I’ve made a test and I see the “Firefox update completed” notification, but not the pop up with the progress bar. Maybe it appeared but didn’t see it. Anyway, this is not a problem. Thanks for the work improving the update process.

@aci That’s because it hasn’t still deployed. We hope to have it ready to 24.10, as the article explains :slight_smile:

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