Unpublish snap for i386 and armhf?

We have Android Studio snaps published for both amd64, i386 and armhf but the only arch that is supported is amd64. How do we totally remove any published armhf and i386 variants of that snap ?

I have now done this by simply closing the edge channel and then re-releasing what should have been in edge in amd64. It’s a bit messy but works.

root@snapcrafters:~# snapcraft status android-studio
Track    Arch    Channel    Version    Revision
latest   amd64   stable    53
                 candidate  ^          ^
                 beta       ^          ^
                 edge    66
         armhf   stable     -          -
                 candidate  -          -
                 beta       -          -
                 edge    64
         i386    stable     -          -
                 candidate  -          -
                 beta       -          -
                 edge    65
root@snapcrafters:~# snapcraft close android-studio edge
Track    Arch    Channel    Version    Revision
latest   amd64   stable    53
                 candidate  ^          ^
                 beta       ^          ^
                 edge       ^          ^

The edge channel is now closed.
root@snapcrafters:~# snapcraft  release android-studio 66 edge
Track    Arch    Channel    Version    Revision
latest   amd64   stable    53
                 candidate  ^          ^
                 beta       ^          ^
                 edge    66
The 'edge' channel is now open.

We can prevent snaps being built by making them “fail” on anything but amd64 in build.snapcraft.io. Other snaps in snapcrafters do this. See vscode for example. In the future we hope to add a feature where build.snapcraft.io will only build selected architectures you choose, rather than attempt to build them all and fail out intentionally. This was discussed last week at the Engineering Sprint. I’m hoping this work gets completed soon by the store teams.

The autobuild branch that we landed today does that :slight_smile:

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The dashboard.snapcraft.io page to release a revision has check marks for each channel. I just tried unchecking edge (only channel released on) to see if it would unrelease the revision for edge, leaving nothing released in edge, but it did not work (As popey implied.)

To me, check marks imply the ability to uncheck to unrelease, so perhaps a GUI tweak of some kind would help.