Unable to install webdm

Trying to install webdm, I get the following error:

admin@JMNLM42:~$ sudo snap install webdm
error: cannot install “webdm”: Post https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/refresh: dial tcp: lookup
api.snapcraft.io on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:34339->[::1]:53: read: connection refused

Two things:

  1. that error is a DNS lookup failure.
  2. I’m not sure webdm is supported any longer (I’ll ask, and if it isn’t I’ll ask to have it unpublished).

Thank you for your reply

  1. i have tried this on a different internet connection and still same error, why is it a DNS error?
    admin@DDPNM42:~$ snap refresh
    error: cannot refresh: cannot refresh snap-declaration for “uefi-fw-tools”: Get
    dial tcp: lookup api.snapcraft.io on [::1]:53: read udp
    [::1]:41868->[::1]:53: read: connection refused
  1. I can use the following instead of point 2

snap install snapweb

it’s a DNS error because that’s what port 53 is.

If i leave it over night powered on I am then able to run snap refresh and also snap install snapweb