Unable to install snap - 'error: unable to contact snap store'

From this morning and until now we were unable to install the Firefox 101.0b6 snap build. The ‘error: unable to contact snap store’ error was thrown in the console.

The Firefox 101.0b6 snap build is currently available but from what I understood, it was supposed to be available earlier.

Thanks, Mihai

Thanks @MihaiB for posting this here.

We already talked in PM and I remarked that according to https://status.snapcraft.io/ there was no downtime today, and that the firefox 101.0b6-1 build for amd64 (revision 1342) was published in the store at 2022-05-13T01:02:15Z.

I guess this is a question for the store team to solve. What can cause this “unable to contact snap store” error if there was no reported downtime?

That is likely a local connectivity issue. You can get debug info using:

sudo systemctl stop snapd.service snapd.socket
sudo SNAPD_DEBUG=1 SNAPD_DEBUG_HTTP=3 /usr/lib/snapd/snapd

We encountered this issue on different locations and on different versions of Ubuntu(18.04 and 20.04) We will let you know if we will encounter this issue again.