Transfer snap

Hey all,

I would like to transfer my ubports-installer snap to ubports-team account? my username is: mariogrip

Thanks :slight_smile:

As the second maintainer of said snap, i confirm that this is a coordinated request.

This might want to hold off until Request ownership of ubports is resolved.

I can transfer to NeoTheThird (as he’s listed as a collaborator already), let me know if you want that or wait until we sort out the ubports/ubports-snap situation.

  • Daniel

No we want to move it to ubports (or ubports-team if we cant get the first one to work)


Hi @roadmr,

I just noticed this open thread.

As @mariogrip mentioned in the preceding post of this thread, his preferred objective is to move his “ubports-installer” snap to the “ubports” account once UBports regains control of it. I think that his preferred objective was made pretty clear in the discussion found in the thread entitled “Request ownership of ubports” elsewhere in this forum. But since this thread is still open, I just wanted to clarify here, too. :slight_smile:

DISCLOSURE: I have absolutely NO authority to speak on behalf of UBports. I’m just an anonymous :chicken: who enthusiastically follows their work. But @mariogrip and @NeoTheThird are both among the founding members of the UBports Community. So if I’ve misstated their preferences, please defer to their wishes, not mine. And if needed, I hope that @mariogrip and @NeoTheThird will chime in here, to clarify. :slight_smile:

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correct :slight_smile:

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Hi @roadmr,

@mariogrip posted the following transfer request in another thread:

Note the request is to transfer the ubports-installer snap from the mariogrip account to the newly created ubports account. Because the request to transfer the snap originated in this thread, I’m reposting here.

Thanks again for all of your help!

Regards, GizmoChicken