Transfer ownership of snap - charmed-etcd

Hi there,

Could you please transfer ownership of the snap (currently just a reserved name) – charmed-etcd to “

Thank you,


Just for the history.

The reply here is missing, but it looks like the ownership has been transferred (I see the snap under canonical-data-platform-bot.


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It looks like something was not finished here. I see the snap under the shared Data account, but cannot push the newly built snap there:

> snapcraft
Packed charmed-etcd_3.5.16_amd64.snap                        
> snapcraft push --release=edge charmed-etcd_3.5.16_amd64.snap
Store operation failed:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
- resource-not-found: Snap not found for name=charmed-etcd

Pending official reply from SnapStore team here. Maybe the move is in progress…

Hi @taurus / @medib ! Thanks for your request.

I’ve approved your request in the name reservation queue(it was sent on Mon 25 Nov. 2024 09:11:37). Please let me know if you need more help!

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