Tracks request for subiquity snap

Pursuant to the 3rd party repos requirements I request creation of the following tracks for Subiquity.

  • 24.04
  • 24.10
  • 25.04

Store URL: Install subiquity on Linux | Snap Store

Subiquity does not have tracks today.

See also the similar request for ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap.

  1. What is the snap’s release cadence, how often is a new major version (potentially requiring a new track) released? Is this documented somewhere by upstream?

The track cadence required is the 6 month Ubuntu cadence.

  1. Is there some commitment from upstream on maintenance of old versions? e.g. is 1.x still supported with security updates? Will it continue to be supported now that 2.x is out, and for how long?

Pursuant to 3rd party repos requirements track managed versions will receive selected bugfixes and infrequent SRUed features.

  1. Are new versions backwards-incompatible? meaning, if I was running 1.x and try to install 2.x, will that just work, or do I need to migrate my data/configuration, or will things break horribly?

Generally this is OK. In some cases, with very old install ISOs and when a new snapd is required, we can’t support that upgrade as of today. I would consider that sort of backward incompatibility a critical bug when updating to a new version on the same track, but an update to latest might be more exciting (and less critical).

Hi! Thanks for the explanation, +1 from me. I’ve created these 3 tracks for you.

Best, Emma