There are no lspci and insmod command in UC20, how to get the tool on UC20?

There are no lspci and insmod command in UC20, how to get the tool on UC20?
The general Ubuntu will hint the message like apt-get install xxx,if hit no support command.

you’d include such tools into your snap and connect the correct interface plugs …

here is a snapcraft.yaml:

name: lspci
base: core20
version: '0.1'
summary: List PCI devices on Ubuntu Core
description: |
  The lspci command as a snap

grade: stable
confinement: strict

    command: usr/bin/lspci
      - hardware-observe

    plugin: nil
      - pciutils

My UC20 did not support snapcraft command,I try use the below command:
sudo snap install snapcraft --classic, but it show:
error: snap “snapcraft” requires classic confinement which in only available on calssic systems.
How to solve this issue?

ah, to build on UC20 see my blog post at: