allows access to a specific Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) controller. This snap interface is restricted because it provides privileged access to SPI hardware.
Auto-Connect: no
(slot): path to the specific SPI device node e.g./dev/spidev0.0
Snaps that want to consume an SPI device simply use plugs: [ spi ]
. The SPI device to connect to is specified during the interface connection.
To see which SPI slots are available on your system, run snap connections --all
to show all the possible slots on your system:
$ snap connections --all | grep spi
spi - pi:spidev0 -
spi - pi:spidev1 -
Once connected, the consuming snap can use the device via the path specified by the connected slot.
Requires snapd version 2.28+.
ⓘ This is a snap interface. See Interface management and Supported interfaces for further details on how interfaces are used.