The python plugin

The python plugin can be used by either Python 2 or Python 3 based parts using a script for building the project, or using a package published to PyPI, and optionally any of the following:

  • A requirements.txt file used to import Python modules.
  • Packages installed directly from pip.

This plugin uses the common plugin key as well as those for sources. For details about these keys, see the reference on parts directives.

Plugin-specific features and syntax are dependent on which base is being used, as outlined below:

See Python applications for a simple example, or search GitHub for projects already using the plugin.

ⓘ This is a snapcraft plugin. See Snapcraft plugins and Supported plugins for further details on how plugins are used.

base: core24 | core22

This plugin uses the following plugin-specific keywords:

  • python-requirements (list) List of paths to requirements.txt file(s). Paths are relative to the value provided by the source key.
  • python-constraints (list) List of paths to constraint files.
  • python-packages (list, default: [pip, setuptools, wheel])
    A list of dependencies to install using pip. This supports the same syntax as the pip install command.

This plugin also interprets these specific build-environment entries:

  • PARTS_PYTHON_INTERPRETER (default: python3) The interpreter binary to search for in PATH.

  • PARTS_PYTHON_VENV_ARGS Additional arguments for venv.

By default, this plugin uses Python from the base snap. If a part using this plugin uses a build-base other than that of the base, or a different interpreter is desired, it must be bundled in the snap (including venv) and must be in PATH.

It is required to bundle python when creating a snap that uses classic confinement, this can be accomplished on Ubuntu by adding stage-packages (i.e.; python3-venv).

Use of python3- in stage-packages will force the inclusion of the python interpreter.

Requires Snapcraft version 7.0+ for core22.

Requires Snapcraft version 8.0+ for core24.

base: core20

This plugin uses the following plugin-specific keywords:

  • requirements (array) List of paths to requirements.txt file(s). Paths are relative to the value provided by the source key.
  • constraints (string) Path to a constraints file.
  • python-packages (list) A list of dependencies to install using pip. This supports the same syntax as the pip install command.

This plugin also interprets these specific build-environment entries:

  • SNAPCRAFT_PYTHON_INTERPRETER (default: python3) The interpreter binary to search for in PATH.

  • SNAPCRAFT_PYTHON_VENV_ARGS Additional arguments for venv.

By default, this plugin uses Python from the base snap. If a part using this plugin uses a build-base other than that of the base, or a different interpreter is desired, it must be bundled in the snap (including venv) and must be in PATH.

It is required to bundle python when creating a snap that uses classic confinement, this can be accomplished on Ubuntu by adding stage-packages (i.e.; python3-venv).

Use of python3- in stage-packages will force the inclusion of the python interpreter.

Requires Snapcraft version 4.0+.

base: core18 | core

This plugin uses the following plugin-specific keywords:

  • requirements (array) List of paths to requirements.txt file(s). Paths are relative to the value provided by the source key.

  • constraints (string) Path to a constraints file

  • process-dependency-links (bool; default: false) Enable the processing of dependency links in pip, which allow one project to provide places to look for another project

  • python-packages (list) A list of dependencies to install using pip. This supports the same syntax as the pip install command. For example:

      - docopt == 0.6.1  # Install specific versions
      - git+  # Install from a git repository
      -  # Install from an archive

    See the pip install docs for more information.

  • python-version (string; default: python3) The python version to use. Valid options are python2 and python3

The python plugin also searches <stage-dir>/usr/bin/<python-interpreter> for a Python interpreter with a basename matching python-version in the <stage> directory. If detected, this takes preference and stage-packages will not use its own interpreter.

This plugin now supports quite an old version of Python 3 which should be perhaps upgraded to 3.6 or 3.7.

Python 3.5.2 (default, Nov 12 2018, 13:43:14) 
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux
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Update the GitHub search query to**%2Fsnapcraft.yaml+%22plugin%3A+python%22&type=code using the path qualifier

Thanks for the suggestion - your search query doesn’t work for me. Is there any advantage to this approach?

This documentation doesn’t seem to mention pyproject.toml while the source code does.

To me it really wasn’t clear that these paths seem to be relative to the source keyword, and therefore cannot be used to add requirements to a build pulling from an external git repo. I would suggest slightly rewording these lines to - for example - “(list) List of paths to requirements.txt file(s). Paths are relative to the value provided by the source key”

Thanks so much for raising this, and for the suggestion. I’ve updated the document accordingly.